Search results

  1. $bkbbudz$

    help b4 i chop most beautiful male plant?

    Before taking the next suggestion...go to the kitchen and get a tall plastic garbage the plant in the bag, completely remove it from the grow area. Now...HACK IT! BURN IT, PUT THE ASHES IN A CAN OF DOG FOOD, RUN OVER IT SEVERAL TIMES IN YOUR CAR, TAKE THE FLATTENED CAN 2 MILES INTO...
  2. $bkbbudz$

    Do sugar leaves have to be dry to make canna butter out of them?

    Personally I have never dried my clippings prior to making cannabutter...but this is only one growerz opinion...Do a search using cannabutter as your keyword(s). See what other opinions you may find..
  3. $bkbbudz$

    Is my clone dying?

    How long ago was it cut? Was the mother from your own grow? Is it well rooted? What is your medium? Have you fed it at all? If so, what nutes? What is your light source, temperature, rh, and ph? All of this information is necessary to give you any proper opinion.
  4. $bkbbudz$


    OOPS! I forgot to give you my opinion about your plant...I agree with TNT...I would let it go for now but I would also keep a very close eye on it.
  5. $bkbbudz$


    Pre -flowers...hate em! Sometimes they are difficult to sex correctly. I stopped worrying or even thinking about pre-flowers a long time ago. Mostly because I buy and grow only feminized seeds. But femmed can hermie and they are coming from a seed bank and it is possible an error was made and I...
  6. $bkbbudz$

    This should be a sticky !

    ^^^This guy walks the walk as well as talks the talk....great grower who followed his own advice and took time to learn before growing...I wish that could be said for all newbies who join RIU.
  7. $bkbbudz$

    Will these NPK(Cal/Mag) numbers work well for a first time?

    Yeah well, I figured that may be the case as well....question...are 'math nut' and 'anal retentive' the same thing?? LOL!!! Just kidding around bro!...I personally could not interpret the simplest of algebra equations. Geeze, how did I ever graduate??
  8. $bkbbudz$

    This should be a sticky !

    Cool dat...I wasn't trying to imply you are an ego-maniac glory grabber! LOL!!!!
  9. $bkbbudz$

    First coco grow AK47, would like some advice

    Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!! The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is...
  10. $bkbbudz$

    This should be a sticky !

    Oh and...this thread is already a stickie in that it has been said nearly weekly and sometimes daily in different words on this forum.
  11. $bkbbudz$

    This should be a sticky !

    Well, RM, that was a lot of thought, time and typing and I :clap::clap::clap: your willingness to encourage others to get and continue educating themselves on cultivation. But, I have been on RIU and other growing forums for a long time. I like to encourage new growerz so I tend to gravitate to...
  12. $bkbbudz$


    1000w would be nice...but not totally necessary to grow obscenely nice budz. Before my current grow I used a 250w for a long I am up to 400w. I only grow 2 plants per cycle and only 2-3 times a year...depending on strain(s). So the yield I get is more than sufficient enough for me to...
  13. $bkbbudz$

    Will these NPK(Cal/Mag) numbers work well for a first time?

    I am all about gaining knowledge and will never discourage anyone from getting it. But, I also agree with what @dannyboy602 said...don't kill them with kindness. In relation to this post it seems like you may be way over thinking this. And time and time again we have seen people paying to much...
  14. $bkbbudz$

    What is this?!?!?

    ^^^ I second that!
  15. $bkbbudz$

    What is this?!?!?

    take a look here: and here:
  16. $bkbbudz$

    Will these NPK(Cal/Mag) numbers work well for a first time?

    Yes, it takes time to learn and attain knowledge. But, don't underestimate growing instinct. That is a component many are lacking in, but it is necessary to be able to 'listen' to your plants. IMHO, anyone who cares enough about cultivating quality medicine to learn all they can whenever they...
  17. $bkbbudz$

    Do you NEED nutrients to grow cannabis?

    Absolutely agreed!...I was just funnin' witcha!!
  18. $bkbbudz$

    Will these NPK(Cal/Mag) numbers work well for a first time?

    Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!! The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search tool is...
  19. $bkbbudz$


    You're welcome! Tons of fun ain't it? If I were to stop smoking tomorrow, I would still cultivate. Even if it were only to help other suffering patients. It is the best 'hobby' I have ever had. And no matter what else I can or cannot do, and regardless of others opinions or advice. I cultivate...