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  1. Pure

    Hello Earl, Sorry for just dropping you a line like this. But i noticed you had a challenge...

    Hello Earl, Sorry for just dropping you a line like this. But i noticed you had a challenge back in 09, and you advocated AN. Can you tell me are you still using AN, since they did change the formula? do you still need to adjust for PH and PPM as you did back in 09 during your challenge and...
  2. Pure

    The Scrog Club

    OK guys, I'm freakin' perplexed. I've waited and searched but I've not been able to find the answer to a few questions so "uck fit" I'll just ask! 1. Someone asked about 4 pages ago how do you move from your veg room to the flowering if the branches are already trained on the vegging scrog...
  3. Pure

    Dwc Grow Club

    Thanks Flo Grow. I'll make the switch today, I've jsut noticed that the airtubeing can be a source of light so i have to get some black tubing today. My Illuminator wont ship utill today so I'll have it next week. Do you think it's really necessary to put the girls under the HID till then...
  4. Pure

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hi BB57 et al., I'm embarking on my first DWC and I'm hoping you can help me out of the first bind I've gotten myself into. First problem is i got anxious and started germinating in cotton on top of my router for heat!:hump:without having all of the materials that I need. I figured I'd just...
  5. Pure

    Hey Everyone, I'm no longer in America but I'm from L.A. :)

    I'm no longer on overgrow anymore either LOL I guess you had to be there to get that last joke. I'm Pure, and the name used to mean Pure organic grower, PURE gamer W/no cheats, .... BUT today it only represents no cheats and a PURE willingness to do hydro!!! =) I named my first controlled...