The best part is sometime just after 1:30 Seems like a lot of people on here like old school stuff, but with so much stuff coming out, some if it is bound to be gold.
I might get some flack for this, not only have I harvest at weeks 4-9 but I have "quick dried" many a many of times. So i'll tell you this: You will lose a little potency, it will taste like pure ass compared to the cured(If you even get that far) bud. You will only be able to dry so fast. and...
I don't think it'll be a big problem man. Are you using nutes? If not, do yourself and your plants a favor and get some Fox Farm. Less than 20 bucks a bottle.
All the big fan leaves go, but I always left some of the leaves that were heavy in trichomes, on. I thought it helped protect the inside bud. Just my view on it though.
Maybe people don't want to use the search engine, don't want to read someone elses Q and A and wants to have there own Q and A with someone. I think experts need to not be snobs. On a side note, the enter button doesn't work on this site? wtf up with that?
Anyone ever tried it for that? Yes, I know that for a lot, possible most, of people it will make you fall asleep. It doesn't make me fall asleep though.
So many people ask the same thing and there is a very simple and EASY answer to this. Go out, buy a handheld microscope. I used a 420 scope. Then just keep an eye on the trichomes to see when 50% are amber. You can harvest at different % to get different highs.
Super Simple.