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  1. 3squared

    Nutrient Burn

    I found that the cheaper ph up and down solutions were less stable and started to use a concentrate. Saw a very noticeable difference right away. It lasted longer too because I used a lot less of it.
  2. 3squared

    Need help with DWC nutrients

    Not sure what your laws are like but here we are very limited on how much usable meds we are able to have. So we went for a system that let us harvest every couple of weeks with fewer plants with 4 plants flowering. You can see 4 stages of ph level's. There is no question which was...
  3. 3squared

    Nutrient Burn

    I'd flush it for a day or two with "clear", and keep an eye on the ph levels because it often makes them spike, but is very manageable.
  4. 3squared

    Simple single plant high yielding DWC from beginning to end.

    Starting week two with a water change. Having a little trouble with Ph levels which should be 6.0 but for some reason I keep finding them as high as 6.7. Still getting plant and root growth so nothing to be too concerned about. The effects can be seen in the lighter colored leaves.
  5. 3squared

    IS This a good deal for a 4x4x 78" grow tent?

    I'm with Ziggo, you definitely get what you pay for when it comes to grow tech. I guess you have t start somewhere, but if you don't get out of the cost saving mentality you will not reap the same rewards. While tents online are fine, I'd personally look for ballasts bulbs and hoods from a...
  6. 3squared

    Welcome to my Valhalla

    Couple of more weeks and it will all be finished and running.
  7. 3squared

    Welcome to my Valhalla

    Thank you, it's been a long time coming.
  8. 3squared

    Welcome to my Valhalla

    Left to right, Cheese, Lemon and ending with Sharks Breath.
  9. 3squared

    Welcome to my Valhalla

    House strain is a clone only Lemon, the rest change through out the year.
  10. 3squared

    growing in sealed setup with A/c, Humidifier and CO2

    CX nutes have done well by me and they are the cleanest I have found to date. The only advanced I use is their ph up and down concentrates. A 1000 watt hood gives a solid 5 ft by 5ft foot print of light. Co2 burner hooked up to your gas or propane would be the best rout. A/C will depend on...
  11. 3squared

    Welcome to my Valhalla

    Veg room: 12 x 16 9.6 ceiling height. Space for/running 6 t5's Cloner Mothers sink 18 vegging plants Flower room: 24 x 12 9.6 ceiling height. Running 8 1000 watt air cooled hoods 8 isolating fans wall mounted (wall mounted) 8 pan co2 burner (ceiling mounted) Mini split (wall mounted)...
  12. 3squared

    Simple single plant high yielding DWC from beginning to end.

    Never cared to know. We follow the nute schedule and have never had a problem. Have several different types of meters and never use them. Displayed on our guardians too and never pay any attention.
  13. 3squared

    Ppm for clones in dwc/bubble cloner?

    Not sure why everyone seem's to be so focused on ppm' s. All nutes and additives have suggested dosage. Follow the direction's and stop over thinking it. It's really that easy.
  14. 3squared

    Closed Co2 room system climate control ?!

    It's all in the numbers. We figure in everything from the dehumidifiers to the co2 burner to ensure we are buying the equipment we need the first time around. a 15 cer 32,000 btu mini split from Ideal Air $2,500 and insulted ourselves. About $50 in wiring and breakers, took less than 2 hours...
  15. 3squared

    Closed Co2 room system climate control ?!

    No. Only name I've ever used here.
  16. 3squared

    Closed Co2 room system climate control ?!

    Our mini does remove some, but not enough to bank on considering the condition's. The built in system is really more for moiture build up on the unit than for the room over all.
  17. 3squared

    Closed Co2 room system climate control ?!

    Top left corner, dehumidifier maintains 40% humidity. We also have isolating fans all of the room to keep air moving because the dehumidifier won't prevent mold/rot on it's own.
  18. 3squared

    They'll call you a liar, they'll say you're crazy! DWC

    Wouldn't complain if they were but they are not.. A little more like 16 oz soda bottles right now, but still have the vital weight adding weeks left to grow so there is still hope. lol
  19. 3squared

    Random thread to post grow pics in

    Week 7, 2 1/2 more to go.
  20. 3squared

    They'll call you a liar, they'll say you're crazy! DWC

    Few days into week 7, 2 1/2 weeks to go.