yeah they dont do shit, i experimented with them for a while. If it does do anything I never noticed. I had more luck with a program that makes your screen blink at different frequencies, i would use it when I was sleeping and have crazy lucid dreams.
OK this was like 96 or maybe 97 I think. Any whys back then we were always getting lots of good acid. ok so anyway long story short, me and my buddy dosed, after a few hours we wernt getting of so fell asleep or passed out, anyway about 7 that morning we wake up, smoke a big ole bowl and damn...
I did this and made chocolate balls or varying sizes. each individually foil wrapped and in the freezer. I can grab the size for how hard I want to trip. plus it just taste so much better
hahaha the lion gets his brain? you mean scare crow? but yeah good movie. Music really moves me, but man even a good commercial can make me shed a tear/
man i love the nicotine, i dont really care how i get it, gum, patches, smokes what ever. I dont really smoke anymore, I'm one of the lucky healthy 35 year olds with high blood pressure so I stay off the cigs, but man even the e cigs, their not bad.
try this link
Build your own. I'm new at, only done 2 grows, but man its easy, and I eneded up with a ton of shrooms. I was intimidated at first, but yeah man its pretty easy.