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  1. Big P

    ===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

    Countdown To
  2. Big P

    ===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

    thats all you have to say about Obamas own comission agreeing with the concerns the tea Party has and other concerned American Citizens? Shows you cant defend your own rhetoric, and this is why you are sorry you bothered, because you have no idea what you are talking about, your just...
  3. Big P

    ===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

    You come across as a "Useful Idiot". Not saying that you are one, just that you come across like one. Useful idiot: In political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries and the attitude of the Soviet government towards them. The...
  4. Big P

    ===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

    Wake up people this guy is destroying our nation. Even his hand picked Democrat economic comission says so, which he has now decided to ignore!!!!!!!!!! he set them up to find out what the problem is with our economy being so shitty, and when they told him its because his policies suck, he...
  5. Big P

    ===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

    own what? the economy being in a double dip ressection just like veryone warned the president it would be if he did his tried and failed policies of the past? whats amazing is that any president worth his salt would have seen the error of his ways by now and changed coarse. Obama has...
  6. Big P

    ===> What if the President Liked Businesspeople?

    Victor Davis Hanson What if the President LikedBusinesspeople? The U.S. stock market hasnose-dived. Congress just approved the highest debt ceiling in Americanhistory, allowing the government to carry over $16 trillion in national debt --prompting the credit-rating agency Standard & Poor's...
  7. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  8. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  9. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  10. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  11. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  12. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  13. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  14. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    oooo this ones a classic
  15. Big P

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  16. Big P

    Want to try shrooms

    first time I ever tripped, it was on acid. I was 14 years old and at a long term stay summer camp. we were young but my buddys brother had died in a car wreck and his older friend who was an assistant counsler at the camp took us under his wing. one day he pulled out his wallet and showed...
  17. Big P

    Want to try shrooms

    the first time i shroomed I was with my sis and her b/f in his home town like 1.5 hours away from my home. after tripping out in a cemetary we decided it was time to find a hotel to stay in. unfortunatly this was poor planning and we found out all the hotels & motels were full. so we...
  18. Big P

    Want to try shrooms

    one time I tried to rip myself off, I was soo pissed, Im never frontin the money to myself ever again
  19. Big P

    Want to try shrooms

  20. Big P

    Want to try shrooms

    guys I just got of the phone with the op's mom, he did take the shrooms but took too much and ended up losing it and his mom called 911. they put him in a mental health facility from which he promptly escaped. last time he was seen was at 9 am monday morning running naked through a corn...