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  1. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    I think it may just be the GH likes to level out closer to 5.8 and Jacks would start to stabilize for me around 6.3.
  2. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    I always assume the tds scale meters. The cheap amazon ones that do EC and PPM are usually the 500 scale. A cheap TDS meter works just fine. It's the PH meters you need to watch out for. One issue I find with the cheap PH meters is the calibration points are 4 and 6.86 or something when most...
  3. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    That's a good question. After 2 runs on the same clones and not changing other factors besides time of year I wanted to see if another brand would give me better results. Yes Jacks is cheaper and I still have bags of the shit I can use and may go back eventually. GH isn't super expensive when...
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    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    Yeah 5.4 is too low. That is what it is at when I just add nutrients after water nutrient change. After it cycles once or twice it goes to ~5.8 and holds there for the week. I found if I use ph up at the time of swap it goes up too high the next day and then I am using ph down or it comes...
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    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    Best chart I have seen for this. Thanks.
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    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    Thanks I have always followed these rules and my water level is falling but not as fast as the summer. Temps were too high then while EC and PH are pretty stable. This is why I thought I was on the money.
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    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    The nutrient schedule makes sense and I noticed my basement smells more and res looks worst since using floralicious. Do any of my nutes contain silica? You might be onto something with this. My res doesn't vary much after the first 24 hours which usually goes from 5.4 to 5.8. Not sure why...
  8. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    Every grow I have run Hydroguard. I started using it my first grow when I did 5 gallon dwc buckets and it cleared up my slime issues so I swear by it now. I was thinking about doing the General Hydroponics Schedule they list at the bottom of the page next grow and taking it down 20%. Is that...
  9. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    I'm polish too so I like to start with bloom nutes and finish up with veg . That is me joking and being a smartass :). Seriously though I wasn't trying to annoy you. It was more to acknowledge you and get a further reply since I didn't think that was the issue but wasn't 100% sure. I do cut a...
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    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    This is week 6 of flower and only one more week before I start flush. Not week 6 of entire grow. Still too early? I have to check my PPMs next res change after just adding the calimag to see what I am reading. Only thing I would like to add is last grow with same stuff doing white widow and...
  11. I

    Help please...phosphorus due to temp... I think

    Colder night temps cause leaves to purple however 60-65 is nothing for lights out. I would even consider that good because you want it to be a little cooler at night. This purpling could be considered a desirable thing if it's only related to temperatures :). I try to make that happen which...
  12. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    I'm running the general hydroponics flora using this schedule I follow their recirculating schedule to the T & not the general hydroponics one at the bottom of the page. MY PPMs have been stable at 750 for past 3 days since res...
  13. I

    Leaf issues with pictures. My most problematic grow.

    I am running a EBB and Flow bucket system with hydroton fed by the same 55 Gallon reservoir so all plants receive the same nutrients. Plants and mid week 6 of flower. I will be giving them one more res change of nutes and then flushing up to 2 weeks as needed. This grow has by far been the...
  14. I

    Ipower Bowl trimmer question regarding find trimmings in bowl.

    Thanks.I think you are right after testing out the results. Butter is what i will do in the future or just drop the trimmer and throw popcorn buds straight into the bubble hash.
  15. I

    Are plants ready for harvest?

    My indoor hydro grows I usually start harvesting around mid week 8 and finish around 9 weeks. I normally flush for a week or 2 which starts the leaves fading but that may be different if using soil. Still I can't see it being finished around 5 - 6 weeks. I Imagine if you wanted a more...
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    Ipower Bowl trimmer question regarding find trimmings in bowl.

    What is the best use for the fine trimmings from using a ipower bowl trimmer. I would like to run it through my bubble bags but is it too fine? If so what is a better use since this stuff was trichome rich. I also have a 20 ton high temp plate rosin press and plan on using hand trimmed bubble...
  17. I

    Should you replace ebb and flow bucket system hoses every grow?

    I was told I should do this today by the guy at the store. I have never had an issue and never had a clog. I use smart pots in in oxygen pot buckets so maybe that's why? Is he just trying to sell me something?
  18. I

    When to harvest trichome question.

    Good call on temperature. Being the winter my basement is 50 degrees outside of the tent and the air gets pulled in under the canopy. Above the canopy is warm but if I place a thermometer under the canopy it reads low 60s. With the plants being dense and leafy I think the leafs are blocking...
  19. I

    When to harvest trichome question.

    I've read hundreds of those and get a 20 different answers. Some use a leaf tip but don't tell you were (middle or top). I am not really finding the answer to my question and believe you me I have searched. I find "you can harvest in stages" or "leave lower branches and harvest a week...
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    When to harvest trichome question.

    Bumping since I added pictures.