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  1. Kevin Pickford

    My plant has alternating nodes at 2.3 weeks!! Is this an AUTO?

    I'm budding dp blueberry 25 day... got 100 clones her in the cut... got 8 blue dream seedlings...8 trainwreck ('03 strain) clones... and 4 alien x chem dog seeds friend bought gonna wait till march on... know what I'm talkin bout....know what I'm talkin bout...know bout it lol! Jeahhh J gravy...
  2. Kevin Pickford

    DWC to coco

    Just keep sharing the info of what they have on their site.. and leaving these awesome clifnotes you been leaching! Thanks!
  3. Kevin Pickford


    If it's your only plant... sometimes you only get a few seeds long as you get to the pollen sacs you can see
  4. Kevin Pickford

    DWC to coco

    Wow... knowledge like this.. right when I got my tax money coming!! Thank you And I'm using your setup for a test run for sure!
  5. Kevin Pickford

    Trouble popping seeds

    Just popped these blues dream..I did the papertowel.. but set the sprouts after 48 hrs on moist ocean forrest with a pinch soil I sprinkled on top...t5 43watt for 24hrs.. And they are reaching for the 250watt mh today just living it.. All 8 are doing great ;) I'll post pics tomorrow.. Of then...
  6. Kevin Pickford

    removing leaves

    I am a outdoor 30 acre organic produce guy and never said I'm any kind of commercial grower with herb.. only speak true testimonial of what I've witnessed.
  7. Kevin Pickford

    removing leaves

    If your going to correct someone's specifics.. do it with thenotsoesoteric did.. it will help get your message across way faster.. thank you thenotsoesoteric for keeping it classy.. much respect
  8. Kevin Pickford

    removing leaves

    God is the judge... I've never judged your post.. but yeah I guess I'm the troll? Anywho I was just sharing my example.. not comparing it to yours or anything.
  9. Kevin Pickford

    removing leaves

    That's the butchered plant just 7 days later ;) she grew back nice ya?
  10. Kevin Pickford

    Budget lights?

    Those will definitely do the job but if you got a few more bucks add these as supplemental full spectrum lighting..43 watts per light 4 ft ( get a couple and use them for vegging clones after the harvest. $27
  11. Kevin Pickford

    removing leaves

    They look so sad when they need plan b.. definitely no 'HIGH TIMES' photo ops with the clip and snip lol!!! But that's why grow sativas too.. they look so righteius with their beautiful leaves and monstor Colas! So sad looking.. but she smell's so berry!
  12. Kevin Pickford

    removing leaves

    On some of my Indica crosses they are ridiculously bushy and really tightly I first grew without cut and got 2.5... second run I removed a few leaves that were blocking light using the same size clones and nutes/ conditions the same and immediately after it popped.. also tighed the...
  13. Kevin Pickford

    Maximum height in ten litre 12 litre pots

    He's currently got a 2 gallon pot and worried about root bound into first week of flower.. great advice you offered.. thank you for good input.
  14. Kevin Pickford

    Maximum height in ten litre 12 litre pots

    day 25 in 7 gallon started in 2 gallon until root bound at 2 weeks
  15. Kevin Pickford

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    I use an 8 t5 3000&7200 Bulb kit over the new girls that come in and then slide them under the 600hps after 3 weeks still getting the supplemental from the t5 kit... but I'm always looking for the next project!
  16. Kevin Pickford

    Maximum height in ten litre 12 litre pots

    Your lucky if they are! You caught them just in time if they are and get to switch now.. Guaranteeing a nice finish..I always trade up from my 2 to 7 gallon at 2 weeks after Im done transitioning nutes to boom and works like a charm when I got the room for big pots
  17. Kevin Pickford

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    Upgrade time!
  18. Kevin Pickford

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    Just blew my tax return on supplies lol.. oh well.. one of the only good investments I've found over the past 20 years that actually gets a realistic return or savings on $.. if your'e a burner lol!
  19. Kevin Pickford

    First dwc grow and having issues?

    $22 with two day shipping on Amazon. In case its time for a new set (digi temp, EC & ph)
  20. Kevin Pickford

    Do i go straight to 12/12 from veg

    Got 100 jading up nice ready to do a low grow in two weeks.. love your pics!