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  1. Senpai

    Calyx starting to yellow?

    Thanks for the quick reply racerboy. Everything I described I took a pic of. Don't know if I'm just sketched out or maybe I'm too concerned since this being my first REAL grow. Photos taken on an believe that?? Lol
  2. Senpai

    Calyx starting to yellow?

    Hey guys. I'm a pretty new grower and this will be the longest I've grown. Onto 4 and a half weeks in flower and everything seems to be A-OK expect for one thing. Many of caylxes (don't know the plural term if that isn't right lol) have been turning yellow and the pistils growing out of them...
  3. Senpai

    Need opinions on my grow.

    Damn I wish I had the patience. I barely have any now lol. But guess you're right, especially after super cropping. I'll probably get to snipping tonight in that case. Thanks peeps, anything else to add from anyone would be marvelous :grin:
  4. Senpai

    Need opinions on my grow.

    Nicee. Looks like more than a month but you probably have a better light than I do lol. I was wondering if that was okay in flower? Trimming leaves and branches. Doesn't it stunt growth and hurt yield. I've heard it helps/hurts. No clue.
  5. Senpai

    Need opinions on my grow.

    I vegged for a month and a half or so and maybe 3 weeks of REAL flower. Didn't really keep up on my dates. But I've been snipping lower branches that didn't have any pistils on them but haven't touched the leaves, too scared to get a hermie -.-. Really trying to push energy to the top. Thanks...
  6. Senpai

    Need opinions on my grow.

    This is the farthest I've grown cannabis and this little girl has been a handful. Now I know it's looked down upon growing in small containers but it's been 2 months and I haven't had one problem (except hermie scares). I honestly don't use nutes or ph'd water, just a basic first indoor grow...