Calyx starting to yellow?


Hey guys. I'm a pretty new grower and this will be the longest I've grown. Onto 4 and a half weeks in flower and everything seems to be A-OK expect for one thing. Many of caylxes (don't know the plural term if that isn't right lol) have been turning yellow and the pistils growing out of them have turned a reddish color. They are swollen from what I can tell but I don't know if this will eventually fix itself or something is really wrong? Btw I'm growing out of a one gallon jug and the plant doesn't seem to be root bound by any chance, just older leaves starting to turn yellow. Any help would be gracious :weed:


Thanks for the quick reply racerboy. Everything I described I took a pic of. Don't know if I'm just sketched out or maybe I'm too concerned since this being my first REAL grow. Photos taken on an believe that?? Lol

