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  1. oldbikepunk

    Club Vert(600)

    There's never too much light unless the leaves or buds get roached. Otherwise you just get more dense buds. No one considers it much, but growing has additional benefits of helping out without that wintery-sadness some people get from lack of sunlight. Some hours in a grow room making plants...
  2. oldbikepunk

    Club Vert(600)

    The GSC grew alongside a Blue Dream (started sold), and a GSC-family strain called Sherbet. The Blue Dream took off & god tall-smells great-very frosty. The Sherbet had the fastest root and veg growth. I tied them all over and down. The GSC was the slowest but has thick branches and it's dense...
  3. oldbikepunk

    Club Vert(600)

    I have a Platinum cut GSC from Dark Heart Nursery currently in bud. It grew pretty slow compared to a Sherbet (same cookie family) and compared to a Blue Dream. GSC is known to grow slow, and not tolerate stress or light pollution. has information sometimes. But the GSC needs veg...
  4. oldbikepunk

    Club Vert(600)

    Looks killer. I just got a bargain cool tube to hang it vertically, but i grew vertically decades ago for three or four years. It looks good., You're probably turning the plants around a little once in a while? Looks like a good room. I was using a light rail with my 1,000 watt.
  5. oldbikepunk

    1000 w MH vertical in 7x7x9 tent

    I took an older 1,000 watt HPS light setup which hung vertically decades ago when last used. I ordered a bargain cool-tube, a new bulb, and now the light hangs horizontally like my other smaller lights. It's worth the price. Look online, there's bargains on a lot of fixtures. I almost bought a...
  6. oldbikepunk

    Mother plant vs Clone of Clone and the Fibanachi Sequence

    You'll shortly get answers I am sure about 20 and maybe 30 year clones. Genetic decline is not being found out in cannabis cloning. Clones get selected for use because a one-off plant was found and it can't be exactly perpetuated by seed-making. Anyhow, go ahead and clone what you want. You...
  7. oldbikepunk

    TGA By Others

    I had to stop sprouting. Now I'm waiting for them all to show sex one by one. Some are dinky still. I have five TGA in one-gallons. I do zero illegal either. I raised kids 20 years straight. You just don't get pulled over much, and with a MMJ card for 12 years the one time a cop saw me growing...
  8. oldbikepunk

    TGA By Others

    I'm on almost all new TGA and the crosses I made in the last five years which will take forever to run. I sprout a bunch. Homegrown seeds are free to mess with. I've run AO and Vortex of those. I sprouted too many homegrown seeds and a handful of TGA. I'm trying to take clones in veg of the...
  9. oldbikepunk

    TGA By Others

    I have one Doctor Who among my TGA goodies. The TGA plants and confirmed females get the brightest spots under the lights. I probably sprouted a Doctor Who after seeing your pics. I use all TGA plants whether it's pollen for seeds or buds to smoke. I'm going to use the smallest/stockiest of a...
  10. oldbikepunk

    Diagnosis for leaf curl anyone ??

    I have two plants almost three feet in seven gallons of Happy Frog. I added the smallest amount of natural fertilizer deep in the pot. They each got leaf curl later. Each of their soil products needs to immediate amending. Even as you go up in sizes of pots the soil has enough nutrients to get...
  11. oldbikepunk

    Diagnosis for leaf curl anyone ??

    If you have leaf curl it will last awhile. Weeks at least. There is no remedy or flushing. As for watering, if you are taking care of individual plants rather than a ton of clones, it's safest and best for them to let them go as far as wilting before watering. Once a plant is over-watered it can...
  12. oldbikepunk

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Sac is Norcal. It's in what we call Central Valley. An hour to two hours from the SF Bay Area depending on where you live and how fast you drive. It's the state capital.
  13. oldbikepunk

    Anyone else having trouble germinating Jesus OG?

    I like an inch square of multilayered and folded paper towel material in a tiny ziploc turned inside out so it stays open easier, or clear plastic wrap. On a heat pad. Seeds can sprout in less than a day and I had one this year go 21 days before sprouting. I gave up on it in the bag with five...
  14. oldbikepunk

    Best outdoor TGA strains

    Purple plants often draw those moths that love purple weed and destroy it with the caterpillar chomps and the mold from the poop. It's usually at the end of the season when they are almost ready, and prone to mold anyway in the SF Bay Area because of our marine layer dampness which spreads out...
  15. oldbikepunk

    Gun to your head... Chernobyl vs Vortex

    I'm late to answer the question, but I'd pick Chernobyl over Vortex. I grew eight out of ten Vortex seeds a few years ago. They were kinda wispy plants. I did cross them with a few plants and they got meatier. Chernobyl gets really tall but the buds are great. It got PM earlier outdoors than...
  16. oldbikepunk

    TGA By Others

    Your friend hilariously corrupted a real Mr T. quote I think. I hope it's a real quote, but it's not on his list of famous quotes. Yes, there is a list of famous Mr T quotes. I'm old. We watched the "A-Team" when we were kids. He swapped up the drugs and sleep message i think, but we all know...
  17. oldbikepunk

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    I have been following this thread too and was wondering where he's been. I really enjoy RIU. You guys are all cool and i like the growing community on here a lot. The pussy comment may be dead on...I'm on break after being married 20 years..It's like a feast or famine situation. I understand it...
  18. oldbikepunk

    What's good for fading green leaves mid flower

    That's totally normal for a plant to have the leaves fade as the plant buds. I always think it's good because the plant is using using up all of the nutrients. It means that the plant isn't over-fertilized. In any case, it's not reversible. The plants look good.
  19. oldbikepunk

    TGA By Others

    P.S., I love that Mr T quote.