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  1. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    Yeah it does, because then when most of us start harvesting yours wont even be close. Sorry mate, best of luck to you on your grow tho <3
  2. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    Post pictures in the Outdoor competition 08 thread. Discuss things in this thread.
  3. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    Alright, your in the competition = )
  4. jackinthebox

    First Grow

    weres those pictures we were promised ??? = )
  5. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    Which four out of those six do you want to enter?
  6. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    You going to enter the competition?
  7. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, Competitors

    These are the people who have already sent me pictures of their four plants for this summers outdoor competition, and are in the competition. Jackinthebox Hookahman16 2hiegh4u Orange Shovel CAGrower O4ausername Fdd2blk AngusBeef HeretoBlaze Tampicos Gilfman If you want to enter the...
  8. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Your in = )
  9. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread

    Hey guys started this thread so that the competition thread wouldnt get to spammy. If everyone could please use this thread instead of the other one to discuss the competition, enter the competition, and/or ask questions about the competition it would really help keep the competition thread...
  10. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Alright I think we are going to have to start another thread for people to talk about the competition, and let this thread be for pictures and updates on all the competitors, so ill make another thread titled " Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread" So if you guys could please go to that...
  11. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Glad to have ya = )
  12. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    No everythings good, just looks like it was started indoors, but if you say it wasnt then I believe you. Good luck mate<3
  13. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Cant wait to see the pictures = )
  14. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Glad to have you in the competition = )
  15. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    So which four do you want to enter?
  16. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Which four plants are you entering?? Were those started outdoors or indoors?
  17. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Those were started outdoors??
  18. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Nope, gotta start them outdoors. lol the only people that start beans outdoors are people who dont have the ability to start indoors = ). And the person I was orginally competing against was in same situation, so im allowing anyone else that started beans outdoor to enter. come on, just...
  19. jackinthebox

    Outdoor competition 08

    Some really nice plants ya got there, but sorry thats a bit to long indoors for this competition. Very nice looking plants tho man, best of luck to ya this season <3