well theres a lot of ppl who believe that reptiles rule the world 4m a 4th dimension nd i think in 2012 the "net" (stoping us 4m seein 4 th dimension) will shut down and we wil see them, these ppl also believe that is what acid is here on earth 4... wen cumin dwn off acid a lot of ppl see...
hey man it sucks 2 b u at d moment, thats lousy.. if my room mates did that 2 make id make them feel pain... nd lots of it!! one thing i cant stand is rats!!! dont rat... itl bite you in d ass sumday!!
hey man, netin that u have 2 shoot up over is fucked up... grow nd have ur own joints.. seeing ur "babys" grow up wud make nearly ne1 happy!! well nt nearly anyone but u know wat i mean :D
dats gay man, even though ur only 5ft.. if i was in sum1s back yard nd a rely pissed 5ft man came at me wit a batt id run 4 sure!! just a thought tho, its not fair that there on ur land!!
hey man im growing indoors and was wundring how many lants ud recomend 4 a 400watt hps.. space isnt really an issue but d electricity bill restrics me 2 a 400watt!!
and also.. how do you "lollipop" the plants? thanks man
i have spent a few weeks reading threads on this nd watching videos on youtube and to be honest i think i know as much as i will until i grow nd xperience it for myself.. justread like mad mate...good luck
i dont know the most so bare with me but i read a thing the oder night sumwer nd it sed its best 2 have a 4 foot squareroom with a 400watt hps... im only sayin wat i saw, i havent grown yet so i cant givemy own opinion.