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  1. lio lacidem

    Lady with no leaves?

    Seedling dont need anywhere near that much water. You can drowned your seedling
  2. lio lacidem

    Odd Super Black Burns on leaves,

    Number 1 why growing in an area infested with pm? You are not going to have a successful harvest in there imho. And besides the whole pm issue it looks overfed overwatered and underlit.
  3. lio lacidem

    Odd Super Black Burns on leaves,

    What and how much nutes are you giving? How often and how much are you watering? What soil is thst? Looks like a few issues
  4. lio lacidem

    Odd Super Black Burns on leaves,

    Cant help without pictures
  5. lio lacidem

    Just add water soil recipes please!

    All you need to do is go to the organics page on here. There are alot of recipes on there.
  6. lio lacidem

    Trichomes Magnified. Harvest Time???

    Yup the yellowing you are seeing is natural at this stage
  7. lio lacidem

    Trichomes Magnified. Harvest Time???

    What are you feeding?
  8. lio lacidem

    Trichomes Magnified. Harvest Time???

    Im thinking Its got a good 14-21 days left
  9. lio lacidem

    First grow

    I also think you should up pot as well. Then you can water well and wait 3 days or so between waters atleast ay your stage.
  10. lio lacidem

    First grow

    Yes you are keeping roots constantly wet. Thats my humble opinion.
  11. lio lacidem

    First grow

    If you are watering everyday or even every other day you are infact overwatering them.
  12. lio lacidem

    Seeds and a site for a beginner?

    Im going to second gorilla.
  13. lio lacidem

    First Time Post & First Time Grow!

    I have never tried adding extra light that late in flowering. It may help them bulk up a bit in last two weeks or may just be a waste of electric. Sorry I only answer questions I have experience with. Dont like giving out guesses
  14. lio lacidem

    First Time Post & First Time Grow!

    First mistake thinking you would get anywhere near 2 pounds off of a 600w light let alone your first grow. For a first grow under a 600w you should be happy with 300g or .5gram a watt. Focus on getting a few basic grows under your belt then start trying things to increase yield.
  15. lio lacidem

    Seedlings having problems! Please help!

    They are way over stretched. Try to find a spot with more direct sunlight.
  16. lio lacidem

    Yield guestimate?

    112 grams
  17. lio lacidem

    New to growing

    Is that a glass cup? Or a cut plastic bottle. Any drainage? Why not filled with soil all the way? You want all the leaves above the lip. If it was mine I would transplant to a pot asap
  18. lio lacidem

    Is my seedling ok?

    Just checked your soil two problems alot of people have apparently is is is way to hot 7-18-1 npk is not good imho. Also it lacks limeand people complain of bad ph lockouts using it straight.
  19. lio lacidem

    Is my seedling ok?

    In order to make a "supersoil" you build the soil. Sound like that is just overfertilized plant soil and its killing your baby.
  20. lio lacidem

    How is she doing?

    Definately looks like atleast 7-10 days of swell left.