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  1. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    So she is filling in and has a massive amount of trichs already. I picked up some GH CALiMAGic last night to fix that leaf up front.
  2. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Thanks! Now I just hope she is done by the first week of DEC. I doubt it, but I goto Vegas for 4 days in late November and I need to make sure they stay watered while I am gone.
  3. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Picked up some GH calimagic today. She should be better in no time. Shes so awesome. Ill have to get some shots of the other two in there. I am just obsessed with this one.
  4. Keif.

    Getting the plant TO stretch

    Could be something else in the GH Grow that I used. I tested on two plants, one with it and one without, same strain, same mother, etc. The one with more feedings of the grow stretched much more than the other. Thanks for the link though mate, appreciate the read!
  5. Keif.

    Getting the plant TO stretch

    Raise the light and/or increase the N in the nutes. I find high amounts of nitrogen makes them stretchier..
  6. Keif.

    I need adderal

    Been there, I used to take Adderal for "fun" that turned into me taking about 140mg per day but "functioning fine." I would go to school, work, do my daily things without issue (and smoke a LOT of bud because lets be real, you can smoke fucking SHIT LOADS of weed on adderal LOL.) Life was fine...
  7. Keif.

    For men: Just got out of long relationship, having problems with my manhood! HELP

    Been there, just takes some time homie, took me like 4 months after my girl of 4-5 years left me. I was freaking out at first. LOL Find a girl that is drastically different than your last, that helped a lot.. It takes your subconscious a while to let go of something like that, even if you in...
  8. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    Yeah man! Looking great.
  9. Keif.

    Small Cfl Scrog (Barneys Farm/Liberty Haze)

    Just dont take too many off at once. I take mine off gradually for a few weeks into flower because of the exact reasons you listed. I do try to bend them away first, but like you said, most bounce back pretty fast.
  10. Keif.

    Small Cfl Scrog (Barneys Farm/Liberty Haze)

    In for the ride. Looking good so far mate!
  11. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Yes, some nice concentrate or good ol butter.. Early and lots of trichs are no issue to me! Thanks Ganja! I am going to go pick up some GH Calimagic today after I leave the office.. I know it isnt an issue and I have had many more issues than this in the past. I just want her to keep healthy...
  12. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    Everything is looking amazing. Those buds look perfect brother. ++vibes
  13. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    I have city water here and usually buy gallons of distillers water or filter through a britta.
  14. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    Ill pic some up tomorrow, thanks.
  15. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    Last pic, lower left leaf. Def not an issue that I have trichs hahaha.
  16. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Heres a little update. I have never had one get so frosty only a couple weeks in! Even the fan leaves are getting trichs all over. Anyone seen an issue like this before? I am doing GH nutes no calmag added at the recommended strength they have on the bottle. Everything has been great so far...
  17. Keif.

    World Of Hempy

    Heres a little update. I have never had one get so frosty only a couple weeks in! Even the fan leaves are getting trichs all over. Anyone seen an issue like this before? I am doing GH nutes no calmag added at the recommended strength they have on the bottle. Everything has been great so far...
  18. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    This wasnt my last couple weeks of flushing lol. Not going to chop for at least six more weeks. You should feed hempy buckets like soil, giving them water sometimes to flush out the excess salts from the resivior. If you don't give them straight water sometimes it can lock out certain nutes from...
  19. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Just flushed her containers of all the salt and then fed her.