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  1. stuccodude

    Fish Tank Grow>> Pictures.

    i thought you couldnt take a plant from soil and put it in a dwc set up, that was the research i got. you had to start the clone or seed dwc from the get.
  2. stuccodude

    What Is Going On With My Plant

    im no expert withy only 1 grow under my belt but i have always had house plants and gardens and sometimes a plant is a lemon, its sisters will do great with the same water, same nutrients just that clipping or that seed was a dud. good luck.
  3. stuccodude

    Can someone tell me whats wrong!!!

    look underneath your leaves and see if you see a small dot move, could be mites. good luck
  4. stuccodude

    Hydro Smoke vs Soil Smoke

    i have been reading that soil smoke taste better than hydro, any first hand people try both, thanks cause im really wanted to go with the deep water culture system for there big yeilds but if it smokes harsh than no.
  5. stuccodude

    18 Inches??

    you ever see a grower and there light is really far away and you say i wouldnt do that well i only have 1 grow under my belt starting on #2 but i noticed the flowers that were getting bigger were the ones farther from the light so i raised it a few feet and they loved it. it was a 1000 by the way.
  6. stuccodude

    IS This Plant ready??

    the only way to ell is to get a magnifying glass and see if the trichomes are turning amber, nice plants by the way.
  7. stuccodude

    My well waters test results came in, What does this mean for me and my plants?

    somtimes you get a bad seed. if it was the water i would think it would effect all the plants
  8. stuccodude

    My well waters test results came in, What does this mean for me and my plants?

    what issues did you have, i have well water too and i use a reverse osmosis for my saltwater set up but tap water for my girls because i figured they would like the calcium and nitrates and theres no chlorine.
  9. stuccodude

    Transferring From Soil To DWC

    thats why im asking, i havent done it cause commen sense tells me it would put the plant into shock but yet we do cut branches off and make new plants so i thought mabe there was a way.
  10. stuccodude

    FlowaMasta's Near Harvest Time!! 1 plant....will i get my pound!!?? Macros

    are you going to put the same plant back in the veg stage? really impressive buds. your the guy that grows in 100% perlite right?
  11. stuccodude

    Transferring From Soil To DWC

    im almost ready to switch to flower mode and im in soil but want to go DWC is there any way or do i wait till i get some clones and start fresh, thanks for your response
  12. stuccodude


    what strain smells and taste like skunk, seems they all have a fruity or pine smell, thanks
  13. stuccodude

    Harvest time!!!

    oh 2 out of 48 i was thinking you ran 4000 watts for 2 plants, see again dont believe nothing you read and half what you see. nice buds by the way.
  14. stuccodude

    Can u clone a harvested branch?

    i seen these fields where these hmong farmers were growing after the cops raided them (the cops left alot) and i seen what lookes like a perfect banana size bud stuck in the ground and it was july so i can only assume it was gonna veg again and it was for next year. i seen cut stalks with bark...
  15. stuccodude

    Instead of Co2???/

    10 ounces a plant, nice are you in soil? what wattage light and how many plants per light. i appreciate the advice.
  16. stuccodude

    day 47 flower critical+, sweet tooth, sour ak 1000w hps

    soil? great looking plants
  17. stuccodude

    Suburban, or Country? 4 Security

    i do know you want to rent from a landlord that lives out of town, buy a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat and theres nothing wrong with a young guy wanting to live in the country. thats were i live but with a wife and 3 kids
  18. stuccodude

    Suburban, or Country? 4 Security

    you will find on here in my experince is that most people on this forhum are people that grow for medicinal reasons and frown on people growing for monetery reasons, i could be wrong. on another note definitly rural area.
  19. stuccodude

    Neg pressure in my house,what can i do?

    it seems you could somehow take that negative pressure and use it to your advantage with proper exhaust fans
  20. stuccodude


    truly inspired, i seen another guy grow in 100 perlite and his were close to yours, you have some amazing flowers and i appreciate your detail cvause thats why were here is to learn. im starting my 2nd grow in a couple days but im going soil 1 more time and then your method. i wonder if a...