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  1. rsx2009

    Weird cupping up

    hey guys.. my plants been steady doing this for a while.. is this normal or a sign of something else?
  2. rsx2009

    leaves are curling please help

    The soil is crap
  3. rsx2009

    Bag seed grow. Sexing question

    Hey guys.. I've grow out some bagseed from some dank stuff I had.. obviously I knew there was a risk of a herm. However it's all good just wanted to see what happenes. Anyways there both hitting about a month and a half of veg and both showing female pre flowers with no signs of sacs.. I was...
  4. rsx2009

    Can anyone identify the problem?

    Yeah I was thinking the same .. I'm usuing ffof.. ph should be good haven't tested the run off lately though. I'm about to go into flower so it will get hit with some bloom nutes soon
  5. rsx2009

    Can anyone identify the problem?

    so this plant has been doing this to the leaves on the very bottom of the plant for a while now. I've hit it with nutes and it still does it. Maybe the nutes aren't strong enough? Maybe its root problems? I'm not sure let me know thanks
  6. rsx2009

    Flowering after transplant

    How long to wait after a transplant until flipping to flower
  7. rsx2009

    Phosphorus deficiency?

    Bump anyone? Though this was nitrogen def. then fungus gnats. However after giving more nutes the problem has stopped.
  8. rsx2009


    Have you fed any nutes
  9. rsx2009

    Phosphorus deficiency?

    Check the pic thanks
  10. rsx2009

    Fungus gnats what to do

    Here's a better picture of the leaf
  11. rsx2009

    Fungus gnats what to do

    I also have a fan blowing on the plant to try and help it dry. Picture of leaves is attached
  12. rsx2009

    Fungus gnats what to do

    okay so at first I swore I had a nitrogen deficiency now im pretty sure it's fungus gnats as I can see them flying around . There's not to many of them thankfully. However I just made a terrible mistake. I checked my plants today and saw the yellowing of the leaves at the bottom of te plants...
  13. rsx2009

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    Well I'm pretty sure it's fungus gnats as I can see them flying around now that I'm looking.. shit I just watered the plant to damn
  14. rsx2009

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    Damn could it be fungus gnats? Here's another plant
  15. rsx2009

    Nitrogen deficiency?

    hey guys check these pics out. Is this a nitro def?
  16. rsx2009

    Fan size for 2.5x4x7 tent

    Wondering what power cfm fan would be needed for carbon filter with a 2.5x4x7 space. Thanks
  17. rsx2009

    How much grow big for a nitrogen deficiency

    What I meant was tap water or ro water / thanks though
  18. rsx2009

    How much grow big for a nitrogen deficiency

    One of my plants is having a nitrogen deficiency. I've never gave nutes they've been feeding on the ffof. So how many tsp of grow big should I give it for it's first time of nutes to cure the problem? Also should I use ro water?
  19. rsx2009

    Making fem seeds from clones

    Thanks for the response glad I can use the same plant
  20. rsx2009

    Making fem seeds from clones

    Hey guys.. I was planning on trying to make my own fem seeds with colloidal silver. I was wondering if when flowering I could take two clones from the same plant and spray one of them to make the sacs so it could pollinate the other clone. Would this make fem seeds or a hermie.. does it have...