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  1. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Sorry man, I can't and won't control people. Wasn't me who started with all this off topic stuff. I'm just letting it die for now.
  2. Vikerus Forrest


    Woke up still feeling a buzz ^_^ I can confirm this works. My father reported relief in his neck. Seems good for relaxing the muscles.
  3. Vikerus Forrest

    18"X18" area with 150w SunLife HID system

    The wood dowels are wicking moisture out of your bin, I might have screwed those onto the outside with a screw or 4 per support from the inside of the bin outward into the dowel. The screws might rust so get the correct type if you do for your next grow, will give your plant a little more room...
  4. Vikerus Forrest


    When you ingest THC a different process happens. Also when milk simmers it's pretty darn hot making the fats mix homogeneously. As it cools the fats are more or less "together." You want the alcohol for the effect it has on your body on the cardiovascular level. All in all it's a powerful drink...
  5. Vikerus Forrest


    If you enjoy liquor add about 1/4 cup instead of 1 tbsp. Will do you right in no time. More material is always welcomed of course. The hour would be cut down per oz over 4oz I would think by 15 minutes?:eyesmoke: Mainly it just takes some time for correct fat extraction when you are talking 4-6%...
  6. Vikerus Forrest

    The "What if Game" Stonr* edition

    I'll start if this forum is a host to such things. Just leave your best one liner that comes to mind, not the first thing but something that makes you go. This might make someone think. "What if a sentence could get you high?"
  7. Vikerus Forrest


    Oh and drink as much as you dare. As soon as you taste it you will know what I mean.
  8. Vikerus Forrest


    So I looked up the recipe but something seemed a little off, been in culinary arts so I figured... Why not kick it up a notch? 3 cups Whole Organic milk 1-3oz fine quality trimmings and those throw away buds 1/3 tsp ground cardamom 1/4 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 10-15 cloves by...
  9. Vikerus Forrest

    Oregon Law

    What happens if you just have vindictive neighbors? I'm not saying all this is a bad idea. But when you write law shouldn't the rules be more explicit? "Is not of good repute and moral character." This just doesn't sound of legal quality to me. It needs to be more direct about what they mean...
  10. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    To be completely honest I think I would use a distillation process instead. RO is just popular and semi-cheap/safe to setup as a DIY project. No reason needed to want cleaner water imo.
  11. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Auqaponics sounds like hobby material to me. Cool idea. Might have to do it just to see it done :D
  12. Vikerus Forrest

    Fire the DEA Chief

    Sometimes I think these people come from another universe lol. How can you be so closed off from the wider body of knowledge that you actually think something doctors have decided is a medicine is not one? :rolleyes:
  13. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Would you like that vacuum packed or in mason jars? :)
  14. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Thank you for clarifying. Now the question is: What about organic hydroponics <.<
  15. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Hadn't even considered this as a possiblity. So the salt build up isn't a problem? Or there isn't any when done correctly?
  16. Vikerus Forrest

    1st time indoor growing and needing some pointers

    Sounds Ideal. The only change I would make is using 3 or 4 lower watt lamps (for improved light dissipation) and connecting their cool tubes to make a route for the hot air to be totally evacuated. Awesome setup for indoor!
  17. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Most likely I'll do three or four pots and do my best to scrog them into one continuous screen. Which I've only just started learning to do. My stall is 2'3'' x 4'6'' so I imagine that would do.
  18. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    I just happen to have a ton of milled oats, sweet! 15gal is huge for the little area I've got, thank you for the insight. It's appreciated.
  19. Vikerus Forrest

    Do Hydroponics create more Waste?

    Now I've read that inducing mycelium growth will created an environment super ideal for root growth while creating micro pathways that can be used to bring nutrients to the root system. Have you experimented with this at all? From the sounds of this thread hydroponics is speed and the detriment...
  20. Vikerus Forrest

    Soil mix help

    BlackGold the brand runs nice clean perlite. Just order it online if you need to.