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  1. B

    President Trump: 7 day poll

    No but since you're inbred you can fuck your sister again. Go on git to sister fucking.
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    President Trump: 7 day poll

    Is that a passage from Russia's answer to George Orwell's 1984, Grigori Mushdiks' 1983?
  3. B

    President Trump: 7 day poll

    Is stupid a political climate?
  4. B

    Whitaker is a stooge

  5. B

    The Many Moods of Stephen Miller.

    He's so beta he can't help but be a xenophobic racist. Why woud he want to compete with better looking people from all races?
  6. B

    The Many Moods of Stephen Miller.

    Fuck a forehead fivehead He's got that six six six head. I could palm his head and still not touch a hair follicle. I though the master race had prerequisites for appearance not to mention intelligence. Eli-face much?
  7. B

    WP: “The 21st-century Russian sleeper agent is a troll with an American accent”

    Open some windows and spray some Febreze because it probably smells like rank balls in there.
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    Don’t tread on me, Jim Acosta

    @Bugeye Their silence is deafening. Who did you vote for?
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    Don’t tread on me, Jim Acosta

    Where the fuck has she been? Has she said a peep against trump? Want to throw out the names of Republican minorities as proof thie party isnt racist? Weak shit bugout. I see your Condoleeza Rice and raise you a David Clarke. How about a Joe Arpaio?
  10. B

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Man you paint a great picture. It sounds so true lol.
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    Don’t tread on me, Jim Acosta

    What is there to say about race that hasn't been said by smarter, more eloquent people that have actually suffered its effects? What the FUCK do you have to say that will convince me over my own fucking eyes and ears that the Republican half of this country aren't a bunch of racism tolerating...
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    SURPRISE: Schuylaar Is An Anchor-Baby!!!

    From a Furby egg
  13. B

    Oh boy...this could be disasterous...

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    How maga is the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter?

    What he /I\ said. Lulz
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    Republican senator openly endorses avowed nazi

    Who knows? They might do it for votes and giggles.
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    Why won’t trump say “radical right wing terrorists”?

    Seen it already. Its been posted here before. if you want enlightenment find it yourself or else shut fuck up and keep your ears warm between your asscheeks.
  17. B

    Synagogue Shooting a False Flag.

    Its not slander if its true. God, stupid white people are the worst because they dont realize the advantages they have and spend all their time bitching about how they suck.
  18. B

    Republican voters don’t care about Trump’s corruption — and here’s why

    Shit is that all it takes to push her into bestiality?
  19. B

    Why won’t trump say “radical right wing terrorists”?

    Well you're right they have been normalized by decades of racist and privileged Americans.
  20. B

    Synagogue Shooting a False Flag.
