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  1. S

    Ok I found this other grow website talking complete trash about Rollitup. Look at it.

    Hmm I've never of ya and ive been lurking here since 07 ;)
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    Sex On The Rag?

    lol no they dont. They might have vaginal bleeding but i assure you they do NOT get their period while pregnant. vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not the same thing as menstruation. Hmm then again i guess if its a miscarriage or an actopic pregnancy occurred. But that still not them...
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    Sex On The Rag?

    I always said " You can swim in the red sea just cant drink from it" ;)
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    al-Awlaki killed in drone strike

    Hehe this is funny you ever hear of Thomas Jefferson's and Rodney Cox?? Well heres the story just in case you didnt ;) "Rodney Cox from North Carolina was discovered in the act of providing former stories with information regarding the American naval forces capability to secure American...
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    I candyflipped on accident !

    This stuff is fucking disgusting. Please do some research on it before you put that crap back in your body. Dont believe me then never mind. Enjoy ;)
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    The Wicked Pix Thread!

    Ditto what is that? I wanna get one :-D Looks like a slug that ate way to much LSD.
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    Unemployed and high.

    WHy not be a truck driver. I can guarantee you the pay is MUCH better then delivering pizzas ;)
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    Do you need 10 bottles of nutes?

    I use 35% h2o2 and J.R Peters just one little container spend about 25$ on nutrients every 4 months or so ;) And i grow 7-9' trees indoors hydro. So not you don't need 10 different bull shit bottles of snake oils. Keep a healthy plant and give it what it need. That way you can avoid all the...
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    Finally got a job (kinda emotional)

    Congrats bro. Remember it always gets better with time ;)
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    in biology class

    Diabetes is the negative feedback in your body being screwy your pancreas and all. So you body either start over producing insulin (hyperglycemia) or under producing insulin (hypoglycemia). I have read a study were thc does help regulate your negative feedback a little.
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    Any0ne out here using hydrogen peroxide every nutrient change? 5ml per gal

    Your also adding oxygen to the roots them self. Great to supplements with h202 every couple days few mL. As the o2 dissipates.
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    bho oil

    Non of this is correct please don't listen to this crap. You need at least 5XFiltered nothing less. Shit id say go with 6x filtered but they dont make it. Using anything under 5x is retarded in my eyes. You will only be using one can for one zip. Im assuming you have the yellow honeybee...
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    Soldiers dropped in weed field...

    its AWOL (Absence With Out Leave ) And knowing is half the battle ;)
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    Ready anyone?

    hahaha i see you still didn't take your meds. lol what a loser. If there is 10 people telling you your fucked up and not one person saying your not hmm who you gonna listen to ;)
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    Conway Cartels' first strain

    Cant believe i missed this thread earlier. Subbed. Always been interested in breeding. Read a couple book on it but don't think im no where near to start trying. Hopefully soon once school lets up a bit.
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    Is this nute burn?

    Hehe my.... people are sensitive on here.
  17. S

    Is this nute burn?

    Your opinion is wrong. Please stop sharing it.
  18. S

    Is this nute burn?

    lol worse advice ever. Please show me where it says nute burns start from the bottom and travels up. I think you should do some research on immobile and mobile nutrients ;) Nitrogen def starts from the bottom and goes up not top up. Your ass backward sorry.