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  1. lio lacidem


    You will extract between 10% and 25% using either method. 3 grams is achievable with rosin for sure.
  2. lio lacidem


  3. lio lacidem


    If you let it air dry for 24-36 hours until it is apowdery coconsistency you dony need to do anything but scrape and smoke.
  4. lio lacidem

    The chase for shatter...

    This Is only partiality true.. high amounts of terpenes can also cause pull and snap consistency
  5. lio lacidem

    Eliquid using QWISO?

    Evapping the alcohol at 190 is way to high in my opinion. Most of us here use no heat to evap alcohol. As for not feeling effects I would say you made it way too weak. You only put around .1 of concentrate in correct? As for can you use bubblehash to make alcohol extract. Yes you can. Any other...
  6. lio lacidem

    Eliquid using QWISO?

    There are probably 5 different ecig threads on here. Just use the search function on here. And yes you can just substitute qwiso for bho in the recipes
  7. lio lacidem

    Best Detox? this is the companies website.
  8. lio lacidem

    Best Detox?

    This one you have to stop smoking 24hrs prior to testing. Havent had to use it in 5 years let me see if I can find ingredients.
  9. lio lacidem

    Best Detox?

    From my experience the only one ive used that has worked plus wasnt picked up by test as diluted sample is Jazzy detox drink. I used it for 2 years of parole and aslong as you follow directions it works
  10. lio lacidem

    Best to Worst Butane

    By updated is he retesting brands continuously or just testing new brands? These brands change whats exactly in the cans often. Whats a purer can today may well be chalk full of impurities in 3 months
  11. lio lacidem

    Best to Worst Butane

    This is a pretty old list from someone on another forum. Its good info but probably outdated by now.
  12. lio lacidem

    First time dry ice

    If you want to make that In a more putty type hash this is how some people make crappy low quality bubble more sticky and putty like. Wrap hash in parchment then vac seal bag then wrap bag with seran wrap to make sure no leaks. Place the wrapped hash in a pot of water just under boiling for 10...
  13. lio lacidem

    Heat press for rosin tech?

    Whats the lowest temp you are using on flowers?
  14. lio lacidem

    Heat press for rosin tech?

    Them little tshirt presses are not much better then a hair iron imo. The higher pressure need to use real low temps isnt achievable on those units.
  15. lio lacidem

    Heat press for rosin tech?

    There are currently quite a few full size presses available. They have pneumatic and hydraulic. You can also make your own with a press and heated plates. But none of it is under $200.
  16. lio lacidem

    Rosin Tech

    My mistake misread original post. Yeah I assume stale bud would taste bad lol
  17. lio lacidem

    Rosin Tech

    If your getting that flavor you pressed to hot.
  18. lio lacidem

    Sizzling Dabs :(

    151 is about 75% alcohol 190 is around 95% the other percentage is water
  19. lio lacidem

    Rosin Tech

    If you go back a few pages there are a couple finger hash rosin slabs ive made
  20. lio lacidem

    Rosin Tech

    Yes you can turn scissor hash into rosin