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  1. lio lacidem

    Patent #: US005227537

    I dont think just straight terpenes will have the effect you are thinking. I think most of the medicinal qualities come from the entourage effect meaning all the different parts working together to get the full benefit.
  2. lio lacidem

    qwiso hash powder won't melt

    My slightly educated guess is by sandwiching tge coffee filter inbetween strainers some got past filter. Try using a mason jar and doing soak in one jar the dumping thru just strainer into another mason jar. Then put filter right on the jar with solution in it and filter into your dish
  3. lio lacidem

    qwiso hash powder won't melt

    Can you take a picture?
  4. lio lacidem

    what would cause bho to taste piney?

    Am I missibg something how would burning It make it taste piney?
  5. lio lacidem

    Is there any trick to make my ISO mix taste better?

    Basically what clear extracts does. Add terps to their crappy oil to make it taste good. You can add anything you want but in my opinion its better to learn to properly make oil instead of learning how to make mediocre oil taste good
  6. lio lacidem

    what would cause bho to taste piney?

    Durban poison if your looking for that fruity funk
  7. lio lacidem

    Is there any trick to make my ISO mix taste better?

    Why add flavors? Instead of running "mids" run higher quality for better flavor.
  8. lio lacidem

    My first thread(BHO post)

    Id label that crumble
  9. lio lacidem

    91% ISO vs 100% Acetone to Winterize

    How long were your washes? How did you evap and purge?
  10. lio lacidem

    Salt Water Hash? Rosintech? The game is changing!

    Damn guys where yall from I get pounds of that real deal jersey shore salt water taffy every summer when I visit the family...Ill have to send ya some lol
  11. lio lacidem

    Post-Extraction Processing (BHO or other)

    How high of temps did you use? what material trim or bud?
  12. lio lacidem

    Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

    So who posted this picture?
  13. lio lacidem

    Winterizing... never again.

    What was your tek?
  14. lio lacidem

    Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

    Shut it down. Seconded
  15. lio lacidem

    Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

    You must be delusional man. You started off by saying dry ice hash. Is clean then post a pic that looks like my grinder keif. Then you proceed to argue and try and degrade frenchys knowledge. Since the beginning of this thread you have ran your mouth...time to change your screen name to FINSHAGGYJR
  16. lio lacidem

    The Contributors Thread

    Definately does look like it cleaned up nice but damn if you add the waxes and fats with the water content around 30% of the original product was shit wow
  17. lio lacidem

    Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

    Ignorance is bliss I guess
  18. lio lacidem

    Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

    You realize the guy your talking shit too has probably forgotten more about hash then you will ever know.
  19. lio lacidem

    Bubble Hash - Alpha Tech

    Did you find out your yield yet. Very Interested