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  1. Huckster79

    Ya know that whole Russia thing?

    Like liberal troy goudy said once: if you are innocent quit acting guilty... He is implicated in court filings that have severe and high penalties for lying in being a co fucking conspirator in a felony based on unlawfully influencing an election! His campaign manager was willing to breif a...
  2. Huckster79

    White Evangelicals will turn on democracy for a theocracy

    To original post... I could not agree more.... i beleive they are ready and ok with it... they will be sad if democracy prevails... If they prevail, ill see yawl at the colonies like in handmaids tail they will put us in...
  3. Huckster79

    Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

    If i had the cash n time id buy some nikes and Levis and go to that park or city in tne south that banned nikes and dare em to cite me, not thinking its a brave act just the citation sure would be fun to frame.
  4. Huckster79

    Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

    Man call me a hobbyist, and i am, but i feed about half teaspoon a gallon of hydro and half tespoon a gallon of calnitrate baby till mid flower then cut down to no cal nitrate, and some epsom all along... they dont burn they dont look hungry and the end result seems to be plenty enough in the...
  5. Huckster79

    Transplant help!

    I line my containers w weedblock fabric like u put under mulch makes tranaplants pretty much stress free never any droop or visible stress since i started doing that. Line container w it, at trasplant pull the corners of the fabric up and then pull it down from rootball and transplant. Fast...
  6. Huckster79

    RH 61% week 5 flowering

    What size tent cuz bernie is right if its any good size area the damprids are a knife at a gunfight but a 2x2x4 tent or something real small they can help...
  7. Huckster79

    RH 61% week 5 flowering

    60 is fine with air movement, i dont mind even higher up to where you are at stagewise. Reason for low rh is molds and helping quality of ripening, not an issue at begining to middle of flower... i have controls now and step it down from wherever rh is at midflower down to desert arid for...
  8. Huckster79

    I Am Part Of The Resistance Inside The Trump Administration..

    All of this trumpklusterfuk is damaging our democrat system. Short term effect of not acting on his stupid shit soinds great but that makes the system broken. If militart can be told to do something and just not, what happens when they arent told to do something and do it. You know its...
  9. Huckster79

    Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

    Booker fucking rocked today!
  10. Huckster79

    Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

    We have to get the center to radical left to see how important judgeships are like the right does... they are a side note issue for most anyone but someone center right onward that way... Lindsey Graham was not wrong when he said if we want to appoint judges we must win elections, and that we...
  11. Huckster79

    I Am Part Of The Resistance Inside The Trump Administration..

    Be funny if its Pense as i dont think he can fire him! Lol. But yea to the writer: grow a pair and sign your goddamn name and others will follow! Conway and sarah only have so many fingers to stick in the dike! One hole pops through and many will follow your lead, for god sake you can...
  12. Huckster79

    Republican crime wave

    "Republican crime wave" fuck, now its just another day at the office...
  13. Huckster79

    Should I be worried....

    My breaking point was when one night i thought of all the crap i was blowing big money on and all the yeild and potency increase promises and i added it up and realized off my original grows just using a base nute i should be yielding about 4 lbs a bulb, and an overused 400w one at that! Lol...
  14. Huckster79

    Should I be worried....

    Valid point. Funny thing is when i wrote reply to your thread i was thinking to myself, "cut n paste would be faster" Cuz most any nute prob i have the same thought. And i do like spreading the word that expensive nutes are not neccessary and we make our job harder listening to their...
  15. Huckster79

    What did you accomplish today?

    I changed my valve cover gasket today, son of a bitch was leaking oil into a spark plug hole! Got gasket swapped out for new one, put new oem plugs in and she ran much smoother, still threw a cel, gunna have to get new coil packs:( uggh
  16. Huckster79

    Should I be worried....

    Thank you and my apologies for being a bit redundant at times. Now that ive found out about how awesome lighr nutes are i feel like john the baptist with the message once i get good and gooned up for the night!
  17. Huckster79

    Should I be worried....

    Always back off nutes, nute companies have pushed us to overfeed tbese poor things bad, then sell ya more product to "fix" it. I say never more than half strenghth and start w a quarter, if they look hungry up it, tney respond fast. I had all the normal various "deficiencies" using pricey...
  18. Huckster79

    The White House Allegedly Has A Marijuana Smear Squad. Cannabis Experts Say Bring It On.

    I just cant beleive conservatives would do this...