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  1. fabizpwn

    Paint Question. Reflecting.

    Flat white, satin white, semi gloss white or gloss white, what reflects the best in your opinion. Does it even matter. Im painting my flower room tomorrow. I guess if it matters im running 2 x 1000w HPS SS Magnum XXXL 6" hoods in a 10x5 area. Also, anyone have any easy to use idea's for...
  2. fabizpwn

    police helicopters how do they catch you

    they use choppers to find big outdoor grows, 100 plus plant plots.. the police really dont give a shit about the people getting high, but rather the people making the money off of getting people high. its all about the money, and the goverment wants yours.
  3. fabizpwn

    I think I got slapped in the face with some nuts!!!

    too bad there isnt a way to give your girl an abortion
  4. fabizpwn

    field trouble

    at least you know what to change next year. what time of the year did you get them outside??? i planted the same way (from clones) i tried to have most of my plants in the ground by mid to late may, a few didnt make it till june, they are doing good just a little smaller, i did have 1 plant get...
  5. fabizpwn

    stumbled apon a field of green

    youre asking for problems messing with someone elses crop, keep safe an stay away from it.
  6. fabizpwn

    Soon to be Dank

    nice pics.
  7. fabizpwn

    first time outdoor grower needs simple questions answered

    its late, you need to get those things rolling if you cant bring them indoor....try a black garbage bag.
  8. fabizpwn

    My 5Ft Plants Flowering

    tie the branches back, let more sun into the center of the plant, i dont know what youre gonna get off it, but tie it back an youll get more bigger buds.
  9. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    LOL, you might wanna drop out of that school anyways if you know what i mean.
  10. fabizpwn

    How do I make her bushier

    tie the tops back away from the stem of the plant, this will cause the middle to fill in
  11. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    im also kind of curious, you grow 200k of dope in 1 outdoor season, about how many plants is that?
  12. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    what youre doing is a cool thing, im not doggin you in the least. i was just having a little fun but i guess some people are soft and cant take a joke. i enjoy what youre doing here like most the other people. good luck with the crop, hope mother nature is being kind to you like she has been to me.
  13. fabizpwn

    How Are My Plants Looking

    not to be a downer, but theydont looks 10 days into flower. try some MG 10-52-10
  14. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    your BOY bd????? i laff, you dont KNOW this guy...why dont you try to suck some more dick FAGGOT FUCK
  15. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    so much sarcasm when i say DEA, BDW is basically the same person i am with a geological differance. cant take a joke, suk my dik, ban me. you think im here to LEARN how to grow dope, ive been doing it for years. the facts are i know what to do, an when to do it, im just trying to have a little...
  16. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    btw, browndirt is the DEA!!!!! thats all i have to say about this, i wont mention it again.
  17. fabizpwn

    My pot movie

    good luck with that, looks like youll be spending a whole summer with your crop, lol get a gun and pitch a tent, thats how the mexicans around here do it.
  18. fabizpwn

    Update! (pics)

    im pretty sure the purple stemmed plants you have are blueberry crosses. my plants look similar to yours. im growing bb and bb x afi.
  19. fabizpwn

    I'm moving. or. where's my wife?

    im sure it wont look like that after a little blasting.
  20. fabizpwn

    Which Bud Should I Grow For Best Profit?

    25$ blunt? lol....grow some ak-47 an sell it for 50 an 1/8....ive never seen 32 blunts rolled out of one single ounce. maybe 32 oranges.