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  1. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Cab Update: I ordered my TD100 fan from SP. I am so stoked to get this running. CF will be next but I am still in the process of what size / brand I want... I want to get the fan at least so I can flower out this Madman OG. Plant Update: Heres a couple shots of the Madman BUSH that I have been...
  2. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    I plan on doing some kind of automation. I dont mind too much its just sometimes after working 12 or so hours I get home finally around 930 and want to just kick it on the couch and smoke a few bowls and make dinner. Its not a huge deal at all. Thanks on the props to my cab! From what I read...
  3. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    I do not check the PPM, I would like a meter but they are a bit pricey and I am not having issues. I do PH the water and nutes down between 5.8 and 6.3 edit: Here is a link to the hempy thread - check it out, I am never going...
  4. Keif.

    Grassy Smell Still

    Where did you pick these up? I feel like I heard about something like this a few years back or even on Overgrow many years ago. Sounds promising.
  5. Keif.

    Grassy Smell Still

    Hey bud, The smell *should* get a little better as the drying processes go on. Take a look at that thread another member linked. It should help you get these things smelling better by controlling the humidity levels! If they are still moist you have better a chance to correct it than if they...
  6. Keif.

    Going into flowering for the first time!

    Agreeing with Chib. I have never had an issue, its all how you manage the plant and train it. I have harvest from small speakers, pc's, rubbermades etc. Dont worry about the size. Your plant will adapt especially if you are training it..
  7. Keif.

    Hempy style recirculating setup

    Subbed, I am interested to see how this turns out. Maybe I will convert my hempys to a more automated system soon..
  8. Keif.

    pink kush. jack herer pics what you think

    They are looking super healthy friend! Do you have more than one lady bug in there? Good luck
  9. Keif.

    if cfl's are so good why don't they sell then at any of the grow stores,

    My hydro shops out here in LA have the big CFL's (125 mogul base - > 250w mogul base)
  10. Keif.

    Master Kush from Nirvana...Grow cab

    Diggin the build. In for the long haul!
  11. Keif.

    Grassy Smell Still

    The smoke and high will not suffer, the smell however, from what I read, is sometimes due to too many leaves being trimmed off before they hang to dry. I have always done this and my smoke smells like that hay feeling too. This time around I am going to try not trimming anything but the big fan...
  12. Keif.

    My first vertical grow after 20 years of indoor gardening

    Great thread. I currently only use vert in veg due to my space restrictions and a cool tube in flower.. I would be interested to see if my flower box could possible run a vert cool tube but maybe in a grow or two once I get this cab dialed in. Subbed.
  13. Keif.

    Dr Greenthumb's Fridge of Doom - Vol 1- An Adventure to Kandyland

    Looks great man. I am excited to see what you can do with this thing!
  14. Keif.

    Hello, I am Keif..

    Thanks for the welcome. I can get by and have been doing it for some years now but I am always open to learning new techniques and sharing things I have learned! Excited to be apart of the RIU forums.
  15. Keif.

    Reku's 2.20 Cab Grow-DWC VS. Mirical Grow, and there off!

    Great plants man! I am in for the ride! Looks like you have everything on lock. Great job.
  16. Keif.

    MY 250w HPS NL x uknown indica

    Unfortunately, I dont feel comfortable about helping you wire that HPS. I would look for a guide online. There are many for converting security lights into grow lights. As far as the grow goes, count me in! I am excited to see this unfold. Unknown bagseed is fun to grow out, you could end up...
  17. Keif.

    Carbon Scrubber and Light Trap

    Check my thread in my sig to see what I did for a light trap. I do reccomend using ducting without reflective surfaces in the middle though as it releases some light from the cab. I will be perfecting that. I would also check out Dark Room Louvers as they can be used as a light trap for your...
  18. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    I started in FFOF and the FF line of nutes. I had some issues here and there but it could have been a learning curve. This is my second grow this style. I have honestly never used such an aggressive feeding schedule. I feed everyday and then flush on saturdays to get the salt build-up out of the...
  19. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Thanks! I figure it will look inconspicuous and fit in with other furniture I have. Thanks! I have been growing stealth since 05. Started in computers and quickly moved to bigger cabs.
  20. Keif.

    Keif's - DIY - Micro/Stealth, 150w Cool Tube, Hempy Box

    Thanks. I'm still waiting on my fan so I'm not sure what it will run temp wise with the carbon filter attached. Should be bad and I can always improve the vents and run separate fans for the cab and cool tube. I made it so that option is there if I need it. Thw glass will be covered with...