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  1. B

    trump's unsecured personal phone

    "We're not friends. All I see are racist anti Jewish phrases what's the problem?" GTFOH You are one of the dumbest douches on this site. Prepare yourself to eat shit like Joey Chestnut. I have a big wooden spoon ready for you. Sellout
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    trump's unsecured personal phone

    Ima slow clap for you. I love your mentality. Because other selfish fuck like you didn't want to help by paying an extra 5 bucks from their paycheck you will continue with their policies? I willingly pay taxes so those less fortunate can eat. I'm not a selfish fuck because I know what hunger...
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    McCains Funeral

    He looks like the love child of Andrew W.K. and Milhouse.
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    trump's unsecured personal phone

    That is part of the problem. People who grow up and let this shit slide are shitty people. That's why education, social security, healthcare and gun control are so fucked. People like this moron michimethmouth will stand by and watch this country burn.
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    McCains Funeral

    Its him and its why he disappears for a day or two after someone comments on his heroin addicted rentboy look.
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    NFL denys free speach to it's players

    Let me shoot your momma in the back.
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    Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

    Hahahahahaha the ugly piece of shit got neckfucked. Start a thread with his picture and make it a sticky so we can all fuck with it.
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    trump's unsecured personal phone

    No one has met me except some of the people at the Amsterdam CS boards. That's real. The reason I give you so much shit is because you backed up some of the racist pieces of shit on this board. Fuck Trump, his followers and those that tacitly support them. Trump is fucking this country over by...
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    Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

    What an ugly piece of shit.
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    Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

    I can totally picture his white ass turning red as he types his manifesto.
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    The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

    Maybe he's wearing a wire?
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    Ajit Patel’s Net Neutrality Repeal; Repealed by Congress

    His last name is Pai. Spam correct info please.
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    McCains Funeral

    Ask Rob Roy. He has a sovereign nation that allows pedophilia in his backyard.
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    McCains Funeral

    For real? Hot topic is hiring fluffers but he'll have to work 2 hrs to be able to afford to blow buck. Yo buck be sure to push his hair back behind his ears.
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    trump's unsecured personal phone

    Bump for hypocrisy
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    Is it okay for Trump to use FBI to spy on political foes?

    Works well enough to get you hot and bothered and me laid on a regular basis. So yes I would. If I called you a handsome manchild would you believe it?
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    Is it okay for Trump to use FBI to spy on political foes?

    Si, Ese Alex Jones is batshit crazy.
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    Is it okay for Trump to use FBI to spy on political foes?

    Want to see a white bitch go crazy? Make her wait. Oooooooooh. She has more important things to do like Shop at Sears and go to the post office.
  19. B

    Is it okay for Trump to use FBI to spy on political foes?

    For real though. Start knitting red Salami hats so you and the rest of the million dumb bitches can march and have a symbol of your struggle. Dont be surprised if people start offering you meat though.