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    Outside vs Inside temperature

    Hey thanks man! I wanted to scrog but I guess it's better to start from seed so you can train them way better than a clone. I have this huge center stalk that will be hard to turn horizontal. The clones I got looked healthy from the club I go to, which are grown at a reputable nursery so for a...

    Outside vs Inside temperature

    Yeah that makes perfect sense. It just didn't make sense to how these giants thrive in such high temps but you made it clear. This has been a great first post :D

    Outside vs Inside temperature

    Keep the info coming and Thank you everyone for the responses!

    Outside vs Inside temperature

    I'm 20 days into my first indoor grow (blue dream) and I'm curious to how it's okay for temps to be in the 100's outside all summer but I need to regulate my temps in the mid 70's while growing indoors? People are growing 10lb yielding plants around here outside. I just thought this was strange...