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  1. smokendude420

    Buying seed online SAFE

    ya i have never gotten a po box...that is why i asked. i like the abandoned huse idea i may try that one. just dont want to take chance i dont need to thank you.
  2. smokendude420

    Buying seed online SAFE

    will do thank s for comments, i just didint want to send them to the location of my garden is what it boils down to...i will have to look into a buddy or somehting...what yall think of a po they do that, is this anygood?
  3. smokendude420

    Buying seed online SAFE

    I have never heard of it either, but I was just looking for an alternative to sending the directly to my home, or a safe site suggestion, or something to set my mind at ease. thank you for your coment.
  4. smokendude420

    Buying seed online SAFE

    Hello, I have been experimenting with bag seed, getting everything worked out, so i know what i am doing, somewhat, but now the rooms are ready to put this thing into motion, hps will be here tomorrow maybe Monday, so i am ready to spend some green to grow some green. but i don't want to get...
  5. smokendude420

    My First Grow! (The Purps), 150 watt HPS, need walthrough plz...

    Nice pictures your camera takes there, i really like the close up pic. I like the plants too, hope i have a nice ones soon.
  6. smokendude420

    Heres my Bongs and Pipes lets see yours......

    DAmn those are a couple of nice peices, what dooes something like that run if you dont mind? Also sorry to hear about the broken one eh...i have had a few of my nice ones broken, never by me though...word to the wise, dont let ur buddies touch ur bongs(especially on tile). Again nice peices...
  7. smokendude420

    CFL Growing Costs

    I hate walmart...but love to give it to em. the cfl's i bought are 42w and the coil part is actually starting to melt the base a bit, but i leave on 24/0(i will be makeing a trip to wally-world to return them soon). Good luck sir.
  8. smokendude420

    The High Intensity Discharge ( HID ) Thread

    Hello, I found a large halagen light, has anyone ever tried to use these to grow, or will it get to hot? Any ideas, i have no idea on wattage of it, and i havent even lit it up. if some thinks it may work i can attain more info on it.
  9. smokendude420

    Fish Tank Weed

    Hello, I changed out the cheap wally-world 65w light with 2 cheap wally world cfl in a converted enclosed halagen reflector. i hope these 2 bulbs will make a difference over the one i had, not to mention i made it hanging so it will be mor conveinent than the old setup. i am considering...
  10. smokendude420

    First Timer

    can you take a pcture of your light fixture? i am intrested in seeing what you are using. nice setup though. how many cfm are your fans? thanks for the pictures.
  11. smokendude420

    First Timer

    Pictures are awsome. Thank you for your input. I have added another fan to my setup on my intake port, it does seem to help somewhat. i am trying to configure some better lighting, but i am just runnign out of space.
  12. smokendude420

    CFL Growing Costs

    Hello, I been using cfl's i bought them at wally world, i save all my packages. this way when they die, i can exchange them for new ones, free of charge. money saving tactic.
  13. smokendude420

    First Timer

    Hello, I have been lookign around and saw the led light boards, would these grow anything decent , and would it help my heat situation?
  14. smokendude420

    First Timer

    Yes, how rude of me lol, It was joker who pointed out the roots, sorry bout that one man lol, will look into the co2 generator for the small cab. ill have to get another timer to shut down the fans when the co2 is being pumped in. i plan to add mopre cfl's and put them flat on top, or suspend...
  15. smokendude420

    Fish Tank Weed

    I will be putting some cfls on this when i get more $$$, will be constructing areflector and hang it over top for adjustment. will keep anyone who is intrested posted on it. always open to ideas.
  16. smokendude420

    Fish Tank Weed

    I am using a male beta, i have the water at ph of 7 right now, this lil guy and the plant have drank about half a quart of water in the last 2 days. thanks i will look into it, i am always looking for new ideas and ways to save money, thats one reason i started growing. Thats a good...
  17. smokendude420

    Fish Tank Weed

    hello, small concern of mine is the ph inthe waters, if i were to drop the ph of the water to 5.5 to 6ish, will it effect the fish? any ideads on the subject?
  18. smokendude420

    First Timer

    hello, i have been reading up some and found differnt types of co2 generators( they say co2 allows higher temps, higher temps i have) is the sugar yeast co2 contraption able to produce enough co2 to allow for temps of mid to high 80's? any ideads or helpful experinces or threads i can checkout?
  19. smokendude420

    Heres my Bongs and Pipes lets see yours......

    Pretty nice collection, Do you use them all regularly? they are quite creative. I like them. the one with the place for your stash is great did you make that to?
  20. smokendude420

    Carbon scrubber

    A 2 in one filter is prolly what i will have to go with. i made an exhaust dedicated solely to my flowering room (haven't even began the flower) and i still smells with just the carbon filter sheets. I am going to try to fashion it up so i can make two filter layers with carbon pellets in...