I have the 95 TahoeOg , TrueOg from Elementle and The real Deal Abusive all took lots of $ to get! Im always Hunting for Athentics! Would love to get the FaceOff and Ghost thats why i got the caspers i was hopeing to find a Ghost leaning Pheno..
there is so many cuttings of that underdawg floating around who knows who has the real deal? Its supposed to be Pretty mutch like the original SourDiesel aka DayWreaker!!
OrgnKids Ghost is a Indica OG Dosent Produce allot but what it does produce is Strait FIRE and Its on the Same level as the SFV not Swerves eather the Real SFV!
she gave me 10 seeds 5 and 5 got a bunch of males 2 fems that suxed i aint gona post up shots of sumthen not worthy of posting and as far as disappearing i have a life beyond these Forms to attend to!
I can tell you the Real Deal OrgnKid GhostOG is not in Canada its only in the hands of a few USA and they dont sell it cheap nor do they Rarely let it out!!!!!! you got a copy version of it!!