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  1. auldone

    Remember when......

    We now have a generation that could very possibly.... Have no idea what a window crank is. Not know how to warm something up WITHOUT a microwave. Not know what a rotary phone is. Have no idea how to use their imagination to entertain themselves. Don't know what a cassette tape or VCR is...
  2. auldone

    Remember when......

    Remember when... Your only responsiblilties were getting your ass out of bed for school, Doing your homework and what ever chores (dishes, take out garbage and mow lawn on weekends for me) you had.... Playing outside from sunup til the sun went down and your Mom still telling you that you...
  3. auldone

    Weed Prices

    it's all in who ya know. In Cali, I knew people that grew for bay area clubs. $35 an 8th. $200 a zip. GDP,SSH, G-13, White Rhyno and OG Kush were the common. I promise you that I have yet to touch anything of that stature here in the Tacoma area. 40 an 8th 220 a zip through who I know around...
  4. auldone

    Weed Prices

    I know that the so called "dank" that I have come cross here in Washington would be considered mid grade in Cali/ Bay Area. Granted I do not know alot of the right kind of people here. My one quality hook up can get Cali grade but it's few and far between.....
  5. auldone

    wtf? why aren't these finishing... day 71 pics

  6. auldone

    wtf? why aren't these finishing... day 71 pics

    "That Guy" would be Brick Top, or known by some as "Uncle Brick Top". Without question I, and many others on this site, listen to what he has to say. He speeks from experience. ALOT of experience.
  7. auldone

    wtf? why aren't these finishing... day 71 pics

    Brick Top.... They wish some Hottie would want to make a movie with them. That's all.
  8. auldone

    Recommended Plant to light distance

    sweet. I had seen this somewhere but could not find it!
  9. auldone

    Show Off Your GLASS

    Love that piece. And in person, It looks so much better. When I'm baked, I will stare at it for ever looking at the colors and shit.... Hits so smooth too!
  10. auldone

    Show Off Your GLASS

    This is my little collection. Well my wife and I. The little piece on the left is ceramic. The piece in front is from fdd.
  11. auldone

    Show Off Your GLASS

    This is my favorite piece. I have had this for years....
  12. auldone

    Recommended Plant to light distance

    Check this thread out. It has a chart on it. 600w 17" away.
  13. auldone

    Recommended Plant to light distance

    Not sure for a 600 but I run a 250 and I have read that it should be 8-12" away. I keep it at 10"
  14. auldone

    Who was the worst criminal in history?

    If gangs are allowed..... How is the KKK not up here?
  15. auldone

    How many times a day do you shit?

    I thought I was the only one who did that!!!
  16. auldone

    cheap a$$ bagseed grow

    Oh BTW.... I have a $10 oscilating (spelling) fan from walmart. One of those tower fans with different speed settings. Works great. I dont think that your fan will give you much help, but at least your getting fresh air in.
  17. auldone

    cheap a$$ bagseed grow

    The only thing I have spent a good amount of money on is my light setup. I am running a 250w HPS. I spent 35 dollars on the hood and 40 dollars on the digital ballast. Off ebay. Both brand new. THe bulbs I got for free. I have 5 bulbs. I have only grown under it 1 time. And it was only...
  18. auldone

    i just returned a year old light bulb for $$$

    I would not feel at all bad about keeping that cheesburger. Shit, with all the fucked up orders I have recieved over the years Karma was bound to hook me up with a free burger! That is how I would look at it.... But I would not knowingly walk into a store with the intention of ripping them...
  19. auldone

    cheap a$$ bagseed grow

    So this is how they look today, 19 days from sprout. 7 bagseed plants. I just went 12/12 to sex them yesterday. 4 are topped. I do not keep them that close together, just did it to get them all in one pic. I hope to get 4 females out of the 7 but will be happy with just 1. They are all Indica.
  20. auldone

    cheap a$$ bagseed grow

    OK so let's recap..... At the moment you are using plain water. Right? If you want to add to your water, use molasses. Unsulphured. 2 table spoons per gallon. But do not add anything else. Take a pic or 2 of your whole setup. As is. Don't move the lights just take a pic so we can see what ya...