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  1. L

    Dumbass in Need of Assistance!

    I'm no pot maybe a more experienced member can chime in...but.....Looks like in some of your pics there you have burn at the tips of your leaves, may wanna check your nute levels...other than that the looked pretty healthy to me...if you ballast is switchable MH is better for veg!
  2. L

    ~~Rollitup 2011 Giveaway Contest~~Who is interested?

    1st. Tiger Clock 2. 420God 3. Poplars 4. New Growth 5. Billcollector 6. The Express 7. Flow Grow ( Do you want in?) 8. a mongo frog 9. Whodatnation 10. LegalizeItCanada I said it earlier, but a creative LST contest would be cool, see who can get the coolest shapes outa their plants....even a...
  3. L

    170g's wet what when dry ??????

    one turd is twat i use too 56.67g
  4. L

    ~~Rollitup 2011 Giveaway Contest~~Who is interested?

    holy shit this thread got jacked!
  5. L

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    so how much root mass should i wait for before transplanting them to soil?
  6. L

    Best Joke to Tell High?

    As someone stated earlier don't read if you are easily offended...LOL why do fish smell the way they do? Cause women started swimming What do you call a black guy in a 3 piece suit? Defendant What do you call a dog with three legs Tripod What do you call 1000 black guys buried up to their...
  7. L

    ~~Rollitup 2011 Giveaway Contest~~Who is interested?

    i'm in....sounds grrrrreat!! How about most creative LST'ing job?
  8. L

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    so once again thanks for all the help.....I lowered the water about 1" below the stems, put an aquarium heater and raised the heat of the water to 76 degrees and low and behold...rooots!! These plants were somewhere around two to three weeks into flower when I took these clones and it has been...
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    My Papaver

    Here's an you can see i got some sprouts now! 4 days to germ, 11 days to get to this point!
  10. L

    How to make Marijuana Wax?

    this may help
  11. L

    Mellokitty's Mellow Medigrow

    thanks for the heads up....great thread!
  12. L

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey Del, what are r using to clone with?
  13. L

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    bump for some help...somebody's gotta have this down
  14. L

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    so do ya think throwing an aquarium heater in there to bring it up to eighty would be a good bet?
  15. L

    Can sombody here please help!

    I am having some troubles with my bubble cloner and would appreciate anybody experienced taken a look and offering any advice....thanks much!
  16. L

    White powder kills leaves

    I was reading your thread and I have what seems to be a powdery mildew, but it looks different than what you have pictured.....i have clones going in a bubble cloner and there is something running up mainly the veins of the leaves....would you mind terribly taking a look at my post here and...
  17. L

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    bump for any bubble cloner users....should the stems be in the water
  18. L

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    would somebody mind taken a look at my thread here....bubbler cloner problem.....thanks muchos!