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  1. Wajimaya

    CFL 3 Weeks Stealth Cabinet Grow

    Dude that's some nice looking bud. Is your grow done then? Or do you have some others growing. I forget (getting to high when i read all of the grows on here).. I hope you understand.
  2. Wajimaya

    Experimental Micro Grow CFL's - 1st time grower

    Awesome grow dude, just finished looking over your entire thread. You like to write a book =) which is awesome. I look forward to seeing future progress. I think your right also, you have less head room than I do. It makes me feel like mine is really doable now. I just need more lights in...
  3. Wajimaya

    My Growing

    $30 bucks for a quarter.. pretty good deal i'd say. Even though it looks a little bit leafy, but that's not always a bad thing right? haha. Your girls are looking pretty good also!
  4. Wajimaya

    First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)

    Lol I love the convo guys. I switched to 100pc vape last january and have never look back. I get stone off of very little weed as my tolerance has decrease 1000 percent haha. It's nice that i dont have to take tolerance breaks anymore. And I only use a quarter of the weed. MFLB all the way...
  5. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Thank you, I have been meaning to buy it for quite some time now, but I always seem to forget xD
  6. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Haha thanks man!! I have in my Veg container the following: (4-65k) x 4 + (1-50k) x 1 In my Flowering Container I have: (4-27k) x 4 + (1-50k) x 1 Do you have a journal?
  7. Wajimaya

    gting bak into it....naki skunk

    I have gotten some yellow on the lower leaves of my plants as well. Until I'm taught otherwise, i think it's normal. Lookin Good dood!
  8. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Thanks man. Yeah it threw me off because I keep getting new pistols. SO, that helps me a lot. I'll keep that in mind also (about not all turn amber). I'll be watching her extremely closely over the next few days. My mom wants to see her, so I might wait until Saturday.
  9. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Thanks toutie! Yeah i picked up a microscope about a month ago =) And it has made this whole processes even easier. Thanks for the pics also, I think I am even closer to harvest than if I looked at the pistols. Monday of next week should do it. Thanks dude! I'll be over to check yours...
  10. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Thanks man! I heard that as well.. But there were reports on both of them so i choose one and planned on you guys making sure I picked the right one. I'll be looking into it a bit more. I am very proud.
  11. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Alright guys, so like I said earlier, all of my girls survived my weekend away. My Royal Dwarf is ready for harvest any day now. I am waiting for just a few more pistols to die off. I've been reading up on harvesting and it has been saying to wait until 85-90 percent of the pistols die. Do...
  12. Wajimaya

    First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)

    Nice looking scrog setup you have there.
  13. Wajimaya

    1200 watt closet grow allkush

    Have you been able to see a difference in 3 days you've been using co2? I don't remember if you mentioned it before, but what type of hydro are you doing? Looking good as always!
  14. Wajimaya

    First Grow - CFL City

    Looking sick bro! You got a pretty nice harvest there also. I'm looking forward to seeing those small 12/12's go. I think you are starting them even a little earlier than I did. I think you'll be happy with the short harvest time. I topped the second set of clones yesterday. I want to see...
  15. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    The Royal Dwarf is AutoFem, so it is always going to be done about 8 weeks/2months. It has been 49 days/7weeks.
  16. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Aites so I got back just in time to water my girls before the lights went out. They all survived the weekend of me visiting my parents. I used the "pot in a cup full of water with a string around the inside of the pot". It worked extremely well for the weekend, but anything longer than that I...
  17. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Nice dude, how does it look?
  18. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Thanks bro! Your plants are coming along as well. How's happyland?
  19. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    Yeah for sure. there is so much gratification in going through the journey of caring for another living thing to produce something that is beautiful.
  20. Wajimaya

    CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf

    yeah, and that's one of the many reasons why I decided to grow myself. =)