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  1. J

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    ok i got a question i been curing for a couple days and my bud was really dry but the stems were still bendy but the bud is really dry. ok so i put the in jars in a cool dark area opened them and there still crispy there not at all moist and they smell like home grown stuff it doesnt have like a...
  2. J

    paintball co2?

    i know this maybe sound stupid as fuck but. what would happen or would i get any results if i shot off blank rounds out c02 with my paint ball gun into my tent would it help it?
  3. J

    Ready to harvest?

    Ill get some pics up tomorrow but when the trichomes turn amber is it all over or just the leaf? like on the bud sites its all clear but down on the leaf its full of amber tips? i been growing for 14 weeks now veg 6 and on my 8 for flower. there about 50% white hairs and 50% orange? could use...
  4. J

    When do I know its time to cut it down?

    can i get some love?
  5. J

    When do I know its time to cut it down?

    Im 7 weeks into flowering and i do have amber tricomes on the leafs not so much the bud. but the orange hairs and white hairs are 50/50. do i wait for them to all be orange? think it should be done in 1 more week?
  6. J

    Need help bad smell

    ya it def stinks but i mean it never stunk like mildewy it just smelt goood like now its turning to like a terrible smell but the humidity was crazy high and i benn using fox farm ocean forrest soil with tiger bloom, big bloom, cal mag, berry sweetner, and im on week 6 so i actually used the...
  7. J

    Need help bad smell

    ya the humidty is crazy
  8. J

    Need help bad smell

    hey those pics are a week or 2 old sorry i just wanted to get pics of the leaf in there. there is hlaf white half orange hairs but the last few days have been raiing like a mutha fucka idk if having the window ope messed up the humidity levels cause there really high and it smells like ass im...
  9. J

    Need help bad smell

    ok so my plants smell really good when i touch them like fruit. there about 6 weeks into flower and everythings been pretty good. last few days its been raining and i have had the window cracked to keep the temps down. i have them in a tent with a fan blowing air in through a hole from outside...
  10. J

    hey whats up man just notice you have a bull terrier I had one too best dog ever just had to put...

    hey whats up man just notice you have a bull terrier I had one too best dog ever just had to put him down sunday cause of cancer sucks ass so bad. don't you love them though?
  11. J

    legal buds/herb smokes exposed

    its called money bro.. thats why they advertise it.
  12. J

    blue cheese la woman week 4 flower. leave problems too

    nice pics man whats wrong with ur leaves
  13. J

    blue cheese la woman week 4 flower. leave problems too

    DO i need a flush my leaves have been dieing the whole time but the buds are not bad. quad band ufo led 10, 100 watt cfls with 2700 lumens a piece
  14. J

    3 weeks flower

    yo im gunna post my grow tom im going to be ending week 3flower i got 10cfl 35 watt 100 watt out put 2700k with a 90w quad band ufo. 3 indicas which are short and one tall basterd and im getting some crazy looking buds white thick hairs coming out. i dont think its that bad but i am getting alot...
  15. J

    bottom leave problems

    my bottom leaves keep turning yellow and dieing off through my whole grow. im about 3 weeks into flowering. i have had nute burn the whole time too. im using ocean forrest which i hear lacks cal mag so im using that now i think i notice a difference but is there anything i should change? not...
  16. J

    no shittt look s dense

    no shittt look s dense
  17. J

    auto Flame extinguisher

    Hey anyone see the new flame extinguishers for grow rooms. They automaticlly go off at 150 degrees i was thinking about getting one. let me add the link. the product is called the flame defender
  18. J

    lol def man. i wasnt even trying to smoke him he smoked him self he asked for proof and denied...

    lol def man. i wasnt even trying to smoke him he smoked him self he asked for proof and denied the proof like an ignorant fuck. instead of going to say wow u can get bud from led he changed it up and said that its not dense. what a pussy
  19. J

    Prove it LED users!! Post your pics of ur LED grows..

    lol dude i totally agreee that HPS is gunna give u way better bud i been saying that the whole time. i dont think ur reading what i wrote. i said HPs is better and give u better bigger denser bud. but im syaing that u can get bud from led maybe lighter bud but its still bud. im got my ufo for...