Need help bad smell


Active Member
ok so my plants smell really good when i touch them like fruit. there about 6 weeks into flower and everythings been pretty good. last few days its been raining and i have had the window cracked to keep the temps down. i have them in a tent with a fan blowing air in through a hole from outside the room and a inline fan with carbon intake to exhaust. so today i flushed and this is when i notice my plants smell like shit kinda like if i touch them and smell my fingers its great but the tent is starting to smell bad like idk whats going on. i have had probelms with the leaves the whole way. my humidity is really high now since i bought this new fan.ill throw a pic up idk man its been going good for ahile im getting orange hairs i figured id be about 3 weeks away frmo done. what should i do.!!



Well-Known Member
ok so my plants smell really good when i touch them like fruit. there about 6 weeks into flower and everythings been pretty good. last few days its been raining and i have had the window cracked to keep the temps down. i have them in a tent with a fan blowing air in through a hole from outside the room and a inline fan with carbon intake to exhaust. so today i flushed and this is when i notice my plants smell like shit kinda like if i touch them and smell my fingers its great but the tent is starting to smell bad like idk whats going on. i have had probelms with the leaves the whole way. my humidity is really high now since i bought this new fan.ill throw a pic up idk man its been going good for ahile im getting orange hairs i figured id be about 3 weeks away frmo done. what should i do.!!
They look like they will need alot longer than 3 weeks to finish.

I see lots of white hairs..

You must be growing with organics too huh?

Your strain is probably a high odor specimen.

Hate to rain on your parade, but the flowering smell gets worse.

Good luck, and stay safe.

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Well-Known Member
They look like they will need alot longer than 3 weeks to finish.

I see lots of white hairs..

You must be growing with organics too huh?

Your strain is probably a high odor specimen.

Hate to rain on your parade, but the flowering smell gets worse.

Good luck, and stay safe.

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Either that or you humidity problems may be causing mold and bacteria to be causing a bad smell. Address all possible causes.


Active Member
hey those pics are a week or 2 old sorry i just wanted to get pics of the leaf in there. there is hlaf white half orange hairs but the last few days have been raiing like a mutha fucka idk if having the window ope messed up the humidity levels cause there really high and it smells like ass im hoping its not mildew. i was wonder if i stop the air i got blowing infrom the outside room into the tent and just have the fan that i got blowing in the tent, and the carbon filter exhaust fan suckin out will that kill the humidity? i am growing blue cheese and la woman and og kush. let me see if i got a more recent pic


Active Member
ya it def stinks but i mean it never stunk like mildewy it just smelt goood like now its turning to like a terrible smell but the humidity was crazy high and i benn using fox farm ocean forrest soil with tiger bloom, big bloom, cal mag, berry sweetner, and im on week 6 so i actually used the nutes this week and i was gunna just water from now on hoping that it will be done in 2-3 week. again those pics are like a week or 2 old i got tons of orange hairs now. i just dont wanna use nutes to long and to close to the end i wanna try and keep it clean incase its ready to chop. so i decide to clos the window outside and take out the small fan blowing ait into the tent and just have the fan in the tent going with the exhaust out and the humidty levels went way down hopefully the smell goes away. prayyy i dont get mold ma, this is my first grow i got all females first shot out of 4 seeds and im on week 12 im hoping im getting close to the end here