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  1. Gblink3

    Uneven Germination?

    You have to go and pick out the good seeds from the bag before you throw them all into germination. Any seeds that are green or white already won't germinate, any seeds with even a small crack in the husk from mishandling won't germinate either.
  2. Gblink3

    question about xanax.....

    Xanax is actually on the schedule IV under controlled substances. I passed tests with xanax in the system.
  3. Gblink3

    Favorite Game To Play?

    I like Nintendo games, I loved playing through all of the Metroid Primes for the first time and Zeldas not much to really go back and do over though.
  4. Gblink3

    carpit weed

    I cleaned my keyboard yesterday and got 5 grams of lint weed, gotta clean the lint first I tried a bowl without shifting it and I couldn't hold a hit.
  5. Gblink3

    Whats your stash box?

    I use a hollow bible, I'm fucked if anyone religious ever comes over.
  6. Gblink3

    12/12 straight from seed

    I just finished my first 12/12 from seed two males, failure, really don't want to do a 12/12 from seed again I was never pleased with their development.
  7. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    They are dead.
  8. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    I just started to germinate some more seeds :).
  9. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    It'S ok if they are, I already got two other females going, so I'd rather call these early than ruin my 3 months old and I have a stock pile of over 300 seeds. I'll wait for a few more responses right now me and you think they look like males.
  10. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    Here's the pics on this thread if people aren't looking.
  11. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    Thanks for the input.
  12. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    I got some way better pictures up now.
  13. Gblink3

    How to take a picture?

    Thanks so far i got 4 blurry pictures up of the plants under 2nd time in my albums I think they're too blurry to make out.
  14. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    I got some pictures up in my albums called 2nd grow, they may be too blurry to make out anything.
  15. Gblink3

    How to take a picture?

    I need to get a really close up picture on one node that's the only one with male looking pre-flowers, how can I take a clear picture?
  16. Gblink3

    4 daus of balls.

    I think it's pretty safe to assume a plant that's been getting flowers for 4 days and dosen't show any pistils is a male right? They look a lot like balls I don't have a picture right now.
  17. Gblink3

    Plants vs. Rain

    Outside the wind and sun helps strengthen the plant and dry it after rain storms to prevent mold, anyway marijuana's been growing here outdoors since before the human race.
  18. Gblink3

    infrared police helicopters

    Everyone knows cops target marijuana users because they are too big of pussies to go bust a meth or crack lab.
  19. Gblink3

    Help little white bugs damn it!!

    A garlic solution may work, neem oil too, or you can get some ladybugs.
  20. Gblink3

    Newbie 1st Time grower

    Even if you run 12/12 from seed your still looking at least a month yill you know sex, and with the figures you have for your box a yield of 1 oz. is aiming high, are you sure you can survive off of a zone of sensei every 3-5 months?