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  1. hantastic1

    25 plant "618lb" grow by mendo dope

    i heard trimming used to pay 200 a lb. the last 2 seasons i worked there, it payed 150. and they expected connoisseur quality trim job.. fudge...
  2. hantastic1

    incase you're wondering what the sign says, ANAL PENETRATION. LOL

    incase you're wondering what the sign says, ANAL PENETRATION. LOL
  3. hantastic1

    25 plant "618lb" grow by mendo dope

    hehe, i've worked out in lake county and covelo. I do prefer lake county, but there are just too many fucking mosquitos and bugs...
  4. hantastic1

    Purp Haze week 7 flowering ....

    the ladies being next to that fence could add to the powdery mildew, you should spray the fence too just to be safe. wood soaks up moisture and making it worse at night to early morning, because its semi blocking the wind form hitting your plants all directions and ventilation is partly blocked.
  5. hantastic1

    Purp Haze week 7 flowering ....

    you didnt do anything wrong really, its outdoors.. when the night hits, temps drop and humidity goes up. all you can do is try to do preventative maintenance and hope for the best..
  6. hantastic1

    Purp Haze week 7 flowering ....

    this is very important...YOU MUST USE green cure B4 THE SUN COMES UP OR IT WILL BURN THE HAIRS on the buds AND TURN EM ORANGE. You can soak the whole plant top to bottom. stems, under the leaves and all. it will work.
  7. hantastic1

    Purp Haze week 7 flowering ....

    you should cut off some of that lower level leaves, it will improve air circulation. and spray some green cure before the sun comes up, once ebvery 2-3 days for about a week and pm should go away. The green cure is a temporary solution, but it has always worked for me.
  8. hantastic1

    25 plant "618lb" grow by mendo dope

    ahhh.. maybe you're right, i havent been around mendo enough. I sure would like to see the 15lb ers. If you dont mind me asking, which strains were those?
  9. hantastic1

    25 plant "618lb" grow by mendo dope

    chea. i work out in mendo every year trimming and the biggest i've seen a plant put out was 11lbs. and this thing was a fucking monster, like no other i've ever seen in my life. I watched the whole vid, but there is no way those are putting out even 10lbs IMHO. but then again who knows..
  10. hantastic1

    25 plant "618lb" grow by mendo dope

    lol, highly unlikely that the grower will hit anywhere near 25lbs each on 25 plants. looks like the weight they estimated was wet. I've trimmed alot of 8-10ft monsters, but i dont think those trees will hit even 20lbs per..
  11. hantastic1

    Pot Size for Outdoor Autos

    plant them into the ground, best method!
  12. hantastic1

    How many pounds should I get?

    it depends, i'bve trimmed outdoor blue dreams that put out 8 lbs each... and also outdoor ogre that put out about the same. also seen ones that put out 2lbs or less. it all depends on the strain, lenght of time to veg and conditions.
  13. hantastic1

    Is my plant healthy??

    looks nice and healthy..keep up the good fight!
  14. hantastic1

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    your garden is amazing. Keep up the good work!
  15. hantastic1

    Should i be worried?

    i dont see what the problem is in the picture. r u worried about the color change on one of the leaves?
  16. hantastic1

    Looking for Gorilla Glue #4

    i will be getting a cut of this soon from a friend who went out of his way to find it... can't wait.