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  1. B

    2 dead in school shooting in KY

    Of course, if you are a typical member and you act like this then God help us.
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    The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

    Trump got way closer to Rahowa than Charlie. Lol. No but really both should burn in hell.
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    Mueller is set to question Trump

    I hope he cuts down that willfully ignorant, geriatric, racist bitch. I hope he comes out of that office literally 6" shorter because Mueller cut him off at the knees.
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    2 dead in school shooting in KY

    No I'm not functioning properly because I'm not high. Business trip. Ugh.
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    What Are You Listening To?

    Its beautiful and cinematic. I can picture the sillhoutes of camels rhythmically walking against a starry blue black sky. Like a Disney musical number.
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    nunes won't release the memo to the FBI

    You misunderstood?
  7. B

    nunes won't release the memo to the FBI

    "We were here first" MAGA!!! Ahhh I get it your playing the long con and the joke is really on Trump and the GOP. Again I'm not your Bo you filthy red neck. Don't call me by your dad/uncles name. Btw the reason rednecks call each other Bo is because they only have to make 3 circles to sign...
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    nunes won't release the memo to the FBI

    Traitorous racist loser.
  9. B

    Senior Kentucky police official instructed recruit to shoot black teens for smoking weed

    NC Check out the report I posted in "this is the SouTh" thread. The blame ultimately falls with The individual for not making the most of their opportunities but rich white people are Fucking everyone else over and have set it up so only they succeed. Its shocking to see it on paper, confirming...
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    Senior Kentucky police official instructed recruit to shoot black teens for smoking weed

    There are good people down here. The sad thing is the power structure is so ingrained that change will take decades because it took decades to build and convince people of its permanence.
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    nunes won't release the memo to the FBI

    That behavior is ingrained in these idiots. They will just find another pile of shit to buzz around. Its a living I guess. I mean, if you're going to live in mom's basement why not capitalize?
  12. B

    Norway says no thanks to Trump, we'll stay here

    Your stereotypes are tired like mom jokes and your dad's back vagina.
  13. B

    This is the South.

    Its sad but real. The education system here is sabotaged to keep poor whites and minorities down. The rich treat people like shit because they know the working class are 1 strike away from poverty.
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    looks like the NRA is in bed with Russia and therefore Trump

    Ironic that its cast in tobacco spit.
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    This is the South. In “The Centrality of Effective Education for All” the report introduces the irony of Wayne County being the home of Charles B. Aycock, the education governor while at the same...
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    Watch As Sheriff Joe Finds Out Trump Pardon Is An Admission Of Guilt..

    Can't get home baked. I fucked myself by running into the nearest gas station and getting a Krispy kreme klone pie. It sucked and the pork rinds didn't help. So baked.
  17. B

    #MarijuanaJusticeAct trending on twitter

    Careful Project Veritas is around. Yuk yuk.
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    Watch As Sheriff Joe Finds Out Trump Pardon Is An Admission Of Guilt..

    You're an ass. I'm baked and now I want a pecan pie.
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    Watch As Sheriff Joe Finds Out Trump Pardon Is An Admission Of Guilt..

    Sherrif Joe seems like a tough bastard but I have the feeling crazy Roy Moore might bite Joe's testes off.
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    Trump's "shithole" gaff.

    And no I'm not British. I have all of my teeth, they're straight, and I know how to fuck.