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  1. Quitekeen

    Baby white widow leaves getting purple spots

    yea I have checked since transplanting, its in the low 6's so I am not too worried there. However in the old soil mix which was quite peat moss heavy it was probably low 5's. I am at sit and wait stage right now. I appreciate the info tity, I have been reading about that a lot. Just to...
  2. Quitekeen

    Baby white widow leaves getting purple spots

    36 hours after transplant, pretty severe drooping going on all of them, but new growth is still happening. I am guessing that the drooping as a natural reaction to being transplanted so young. And the fact that growth is still happening indicates that the plant is still doing alright?
  3. Quitekeen

    Show ya rooms off

    awesome. just. awesome.
  4. Quitekeen

    Baby white widow leaves getting purple spots

    Yea I am just going to give them some time. Its only the one plant with the discoloration, and there are four of em in the same box. So I dont thing that temp would just affect the one plant. After reading more about soil composition I decided that I didnt have enough pearlite and the soild...
  5. Quitekeen

    Baby white widow leaves getting purple spots

    I awoke this morning to this:- ph is fine and dandy, soil is whitney farms seed starter with added perlite. I watered thoroughly the night before. HELP:peace:
  6. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    can anyone offer some sage wisdom?
  7. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    So this morning I awoke to a strange purple patching on one of my plants leaves. I took a pic but it almost looks more dark green on the picture. ph is spot on. I havent read about 'purpling of leaves' and they are white widows so I wasnt expecting any purple foliage. Comments???
  8. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    They are looking pretty happy for now. I think until they go into full veg stage I am pretty safe with my 2700K's. I have over 150watts shining on about 2 cubic feet (1x1.5x1.5). If anyone read my last grow which was the test run with bag seed, they are already looking bigger and healthier...
  9. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    unfortunately the ace, home depot, lowes, and all other hardware and lighting stores within driving range of me only sell 5000K max cfls unless you go to mogul size and then they arent self ballasted and the stores sell nothing to plug em in to. Trust me if 6500K bulbs under 100W were available...
  10. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    Here is an update, 2 of them are a couple days ahead so I have only taken pics of the two that have been above ground for 2 days. Still in rubbermaid and still waiting for 6500K cfl's. After doing some more reading I realized that 5000k is less useful to the plant in veg than 2700k so thats...
  11. Quitekeen

    Best Deals for Equipment Thread

    Oh damn! Well I guess I didnt look very closely. WELL THEN! Thanks for the input everyone but I think this thread can be officially closed lol.
  12. Quitekeen

    Best Deals for Equipment Thread

    I havent been able to find a sticky or a thread with the sole purpose of posting any good deals found online for materials (lights, tents, hydro systems etc etc). So I guess I am starting one! I think it would be a fine candidate for a sticky considering even pro growers have to re-up on...
  13. Quitekeen

    my widow

    As do false accuaations good sir! I have had a couple of opporunities to inherit half and almost fully grown plants due to circumstances like new girlfriends, one of my buddys got paranoid, unfortunately for me i was never in a position to accept the offers... if any of em had looked asgood as...
  14. Quitekeen

    5000K vs 2700K for veg?

    ...yuuup, that's the chart I was talking about, so I got rid of my 5000ks and ran to lowes and got 5 23 watt 2700k's and a 42 watt 2700k. Heres hoping my babies hold out until the 6500's come.
  15. Quitekeen

    5000K vs 2700K for veg?

    Okay so heres the conundrum... I am unable to buy any cfls that are 6500K they all seem to max out at 5000K (at least in terms of places locally I can pay cash at). So until I get an online delivery I want to give my ladies the best of what is available immediately. According to the...
  16. Quitekeen

    Nirvana did me right!

    well my experience was for sure positive... just an fyi, they took a little longer to germinate than bagseed I have used before, not sure why but so far I am 3/5 into seedling stage and they look pretty happy
  17. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    Oh yes, and one more thing, can anyone recommend a product that will test humidity, ph in soil, and temperature all in one? Or are these just pipe dreams I am speaking of?
  18. Quitekeen

    First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl

    Hey all, First of all the only reason I am doing this journal is to obtain advice and (constructive) criticism. I am not trying to boast any kind of clever set-up or method to obtain HUGE yields (although that would be very nice). So I welcome your comments :mrgreen: With that here's my...
  19. Quitekeen

    4 pin 12v cpu fan to ac?

    I have a 4 pin 12vDC pc fan, it has red, black, yell and blue wires. Can I just connect red and black to a 12v ac cell phone charger wire or do I have to do something with the other two wires?