You can only purchase with bitcoins and if you are in Canada there are very few places you can get them. It works through the general mail delivery (I had a package from Germany within 2 weeks). :D
SOOO gross eh? I had them all in my hair, all over my shoulders, in my shirt.....still gives me the heebie jeebies. Why do they need to produce so many in one little sack? There must be thousands in them.
OMFG are you ok? I would be still in the corner rocking back and forth. A similar event happened to me one time when I was mowing the lawn and going under a tree, the egg sack got stuck in my hair and then popped opened...... (I will not go into more details as you could imagine the horrific...
Not in a box, not with a fox, not in a house, not with a mouse.
I would not eat them here or there. I would not eat them anywhere.
I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.