Search results

  1. bowlfullofbliss

    Want to learn how to make BHO & extracts any How-to to classes in Michigan?

    really? who do you think you are talking like that? screw you prick. I haven't been online in months, and now I've got some uppity asshat acting superior, like I should be pecking away, researching all kinds of shit, as if I don't have other shit to do. these people on here are people I've been...
  2. bowlfullofbliss

    Building a DIY co2 set up from meijer!

    dude, 50 lb tanks cost like $25 to refill, and its a whole lot easier than messing with finding dry ice and keeping that around. I bought one of my tanks on CL, full, for $75. Its heavy as hell, but a dolly gets it around. there is so much used equipment for sale these days, you could get the...
  3. bowlfullofbliss

    Want to learn how to make BHO & extracts any How-to to classes in Michigan?

    what is this craziness you speak of? clearly I am out of the loop these days. anyone got a link?
  4. bowlfullofbliss

    looking for qualified/certifies MMMP friendly electrician

    probably help if you have a general area you're moving to bud.......most guys don't travel that far for one job. be prepared to deal with a full upgrade if you only have a 100 amp service.....I had to upgrade to a 200 amp, big money. I had a couple grand into it before it was all done.
  5. bowlfullofbliss

    Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs know I think you're good people right? Don't lose a good woman, over a skanky bitch. Have your fun, but I hope you decide on a line and don't cross it. It ain't worth it brother. You brought me out of the woodwork with this one bud. lmfao.
  6. bowlfullofbliss

    metro detroit golfers

    I'm a golf addict........and perfectly good with it :). Not at all ashamed! I work way too much to pull it off during the week, but weekends...........I'm down!
  7. bowlfullofbliss

    Dispensary raids an bombs!!

    sorry but these pigs found someones home made fireworks and decided it makes a better story to say they were related to their businesses. this is a joke and don't be fooled by their bs. come on people. and lots of people have bought up ammo..........lots. probably got a great deal on it...thank...
  8. bowlfullofbliss

    Getting off dope

    I just don't understand why, Hank, you aren't getting yourself on a Sub. Why would you do this to yourself, when a much easier method is out there, and is the norm for doctor monitored kicking. This is crazy, and totally unnecessary, and very rarely works for longer than 90 days.
  9. bowlfullofbliss

    What's your experience with E?

    the thought of sex on E is so silly to me. that stuff makes me shrivel up practically inside of itself. its feel so connected to your partner, but so unable to seal the deal. for me, its like whiskey dick on steroids. there is no better way to feel out repairing a waning...
  10. bowlfullofbliss

    Drug test question helppp!

    has no one found the idea of a good paying job at Walmart hilarious in itself? I would love to know what is considered a good paying job there, and how old this OP is.
  11. bowlfullofbliss

    will i be murdered at work soon?

  12. bowlfullofbliss

    Los Angeles bans Plastic Bags! Heck yes!

    lmao. I hope you're kidding :). or are you! I wish we had a suspicious looking icon to use here.........
  13. bowlfullofbliss

    Owning a bong is now a felony in...

    totally investing in rolling paper companies while its cheap!
  14. bowlfullofbliss

    party favors

    we used to get the best rolls back in the late 90's early 2000's. we could dance all night long, and never had to test a pill to be sure it was legit and safe. sucks for party kids now days. life was a riot back then man.
  15. bowlfullofbliss

    Los Angeles bans Plastic Bags! Heck yes!

    silly tree huggers. I get very annoyed when a grocery bagger even bothers to ask if I want plastic......hell yea I want plastic. I need something to wrap up the shitty diapers in so they don't stink so damn much. It works great. We recycle all the others. But a ban? Get over it people. LMFAO...
  16. bowlfullofbliss

    K and Coke

    K was wonderful for getting your roll back when dancing all night at raves. We would buy a few grams for the group and do bumps to keep it "rolling" into the wee hours of the morning :). That shit sucks worse than blow to just rail though, K holes are a strange experience to say the least.
  17. bowlfullofbliss

    experience with dual arc bulbs?

    been running Hortillux dual arch for 3 years now and haven't looked back since making the switch...........I'm actually trying vegging a group of 9 plants with one right now.......not loving it for that I will say. I just had to know for myself if they'd do the job as well as they do for flower...
  18. bowlfullofbliss

    Do you tell her... everything?

    what married man tells their wife everything? not one that I know..I tell that biotch exactly what she needs to know to keep it rolling. thats it. and so does every man on earth......unless they're just strange. I highly doubt that women tell us much of anything either. its human nature.
  19. bowlfullofbliss

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    so can anyone explain to me why this thread continues to get posts when there is not a single solitary picture of the people voted for in it? why is this still going? one star. time to step up your game Buckie my brother.
  20. bowlfullofbliss

    I heard them steal my shit...

    OP I wonder how many of your friends you bragged to about your seedlings? If the answer is even screwed up. Chalk it to a loss, keep your business to yourself, and try again, inside. Tough love brother...............learn a lesson and don't repeat it.