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  1. SFguy

    New loft tent grow to hot

    I ALWAYS MEASURE MY TEMP JUST ABOVE THE CANOPY ADN JUST BELOW THE CANOPY... YOU COULD HANG A THERMOMETER FROM THE CEILING TO MAKE SURE THAT IT STAYS IN THE SAME SPOT.. sorry about the caps... lol and in my opinion your temps are fine 88 wont be too bad..keep the air movin and that combined...
  2. SFguy

    Please help me identify this problem !

    i owuld stop ph ing... your in soil.. having to ph your water is a hydro thing bro the soil will buffer it.. i use regular tap water straight outta the hose.... its good for the garden and doesnt kill my squash/tomatoes/lettuce/weed i have never phd one time in soil! overwatered.. i try to...
  3. SFguy

    4x8 tent light mover scrog 400/1000. pineapple express, northern skunk, blueberry gum

    lookin frosty wheels... i didnt know it was that cold in diego... lmao
  4. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    but thats coco, not soil. i dunno the price margins for coco really.. the mix i use its soooo simple. $7 1 bag potting soil 2 cu. ft. $11 1 bag (master nursery) paydirt 2 cu. ft. +tax
  5. SFguy

    First Grow Journal 12000 Watt Indoor Grow 120 Ken's Grand Daddy Purp Plants

    looks awesome man, they really took off!! surely must have doubled
  6. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    im not using super soil.. its just a 2 part mix, cost me 20 bucks for 4 cubic FT. thanks for rollin by kush. its a little jumbled in here but theres lots of info just gotta read thru all the bullshit.
  7. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    i sorta wing it. lol if they look lik they need food then i do but they get mostly water id say probably 2x water then 1x very light feeding. i hardly use whats recommended just a lil spalsh in my res and hit it with the water wand. the soil mix im using 1/2 potting soil, 1/2 paydirt has quite a...
  8. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    Ill try out a couple, do you have to water more often with them, i hav read alot of different opinions surrounding them hows your opinion wheels? the only thng im leery about with them is that its going to be harder for me to keep up with next to the bucket, cause they hold watr forevr, love...
  9. SFguy

    4x8 tent light mover scrog 400/1000. pineapple express, northern skunk, blueberry gum

    i hear ya on that we are not gonna have living space soon... lmao ill have a cot in the closet and light up my whole house beds are overrated. i had some blue dream about a year ago, that i will hold as a benchmark....if i can remember what it was like fropm that far back ago... lmao.. im sure...
  10. SFguy

    4x8 tent light mover scrog 400/1000. pineapple express, northern skunk, blueberry gum

    I will definitely hit you up, this chick txt me today... "cant stop thinking about your dick....." lmfao it might have to be right around that 3-4 week marker, adn ill have a nother grip done by then too so itll be sweet to have a session with some upstanding fellow riu'ers i as gonna say that...
  11. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    cause they are $2.50 lol and planter pots are like 7.99 or more for a 5+g pot im a cheap bastard.
  12. SFguy

    First Grow Journal 12000 Watt Indoor Grow 120 Ken's Grand Daddy Purp Plants

    how do you turn your lights on/off timer box is it home made or purchased?? if its a diy version of the heavy duty light tiimers how did you wire it up, what components did you use? ya know???
  13. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    i bent these, now you see what happens? didnt bend this one they alllll bushed out alot fromthe bend after i topped it, i havnt tried this method really, i will equate it to some form of lst but its was combined with a previous topping im gonna try to max out wht i can get on these 5g buckets...
  14. SFguy

    Jorge Cervant said trailers are bad to grow in is this true?

    Yaa the one waaaaay up in the snowy mountains??? Thatshit was badassssss
  15. SFguy

    did I screw up I just ordered from

    you should be ok man, my order from Sea of Seeds took close to a month to get to me. i was worried i wasnt gonna get it.
  16. SFguy

    First Grow Journal 12000 Watt Indoor Grow 120 Ken's Grand Daddy Purp Plants

    ya supa the view is bad.. they look like they are takin off too. hey can you get a few more pics of your timer box/ wiring setup?
  17. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    hey RIU i got my laptop and camera with me today i didnt get a chance to update lastnight, i still dont have internet at my house, so im gonna go to the cafe and have lunch and do a proper update guys, im pickin up the 5x10 today after work... so itll be a few days before anything goes in there...
  18. SFguy

    Work + smoking = no job for you

    here is a GREAT AVENUE to take.... +rep to you padawan
  19. SFguy

    Work + smoking = no job for you

    possibly hes using mmj to relive pain from manual labor?
  20. SFguy

    2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

    hilarious that your in minden nv, i have family there. ;-)