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  1. drdodge29

    Nute burn?

    how better of a pic do u want. It looks exactly how it looks. The only difference is it'll be lighter. still same coloring on leaves.
  2. drdodge29

    Nute burn?

    def????? explain.
  3. drdodge29

    Nute burn?

    Please tell me this is nute burn.
  4. drdodge29

    Why are my leaves pointing down?

    My leaves on this one plant are being forced down. The plant IS NOT drooping, cause the leaves and the texture of the leaves are still vibrant and solid, not soft and droopy. This is the only plant doin it 2, as u can see.
  5. drdodge29

    Check ur mailbox. U got 2 much mail. I can't send u messages

    Check ur mailbox. U got 2 much mail. I can't send u messages
  6. drdodge29

    Room Temp

    ???????? U mean the light hood? So directly under the lights
  7. drdodge29

    Room Temp

    when I take my temps, should it be directly under my light or the grow room itself? Under my lights is 84 degrees f. Off 2 the side about 12" away is 79 degrees f. Which am I goin by?
  8. drdodge29

    My comp was timing this site out also

    My comp was timing this site out also
  9. drdodge29

    Flowering During Veg?

    24/7 400 watt metal halide, so that's not it. thanks though.
  10. drdodge29

    Flowering During Veg?

    That's what I thought also, but it's not. It's G13 labs Power Skunk. I'm thinking it's little leaves that just looks white and will turn green. My wife says its hairs. IDK:blsmoke:
  11. drdodge29

    Flowering During Veg?

    Can ur plants go thru some kind of stress, or shock, that would cause them to start showing signs of flowering 23 days into vegging. The top of one of my plants has a bunch of white little hairs. not sure if it's growth, or showing it's sex.
  12. drdodge29


    Well i'm not buying 15 gallons of water a week. And almost ALL the USA cities have Chloramine. And I see plenty of growers using tap water. All I know is A RO has to have a carbon filter to CLEAN (NOT REMOVE) Chloramine. And those carbon filter RO systems aren't cheap, espacially not to...
  13. drdodge29


    And u brought up a valid point! and I quote "how many of your house plants are you watering every other day?" UMMMMMMMMMM! My wife waters plants all over the house with tap water and no problems! A dude brought up a good point! If u can drink it ur plants can drink it! And I haven't heard of...
  14. drdodge29


    Ha! Conspiracy Man! So Ed Rosenthal, who does not work for the government, and is a grower/author, says that chloramine is OK! Did u bother to click on the link I posted up top?????????? How about u read that....... Oh what am I thinking????? Ed Rosenthal is part of this propaganda/conspiracy u...
  15. drdodge29


    Try the link again. I've done updated it
  16. drdodge29


    People say Chloramine is bad for ur plants, but I just went on websites and not 1 said Chloramine was bad for ur plants. They ALL said it wouldn't effect the plants???????????????? Is that true??????? Even Ed Rosenthal says it's OK! Check it out for urself on the link I posted below...
  17. drdodge29

    Slime on roots

    thanks bro
  18. drdodge29

    Slime on roots

    I had told people a few days ago I had algae in res. I changed the water and added H202. It killed the algae but now there's a left over slime on my roots that seem to be getting bad. I'm afraid it might be hurting my plants. What can I do?
  19. drdodge29

    Petition For A Dwc Sub Forum

    Dang it where was I when u guys were voting?!!!!!:wall: LMFAO........ Getting stoned that's where!
  20. drdodge29

    Petition For A Dwc Sub Forum

    I'll Quadruple that motion!:weed: