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    Will the Orange Retard Push the Russians on a Murdered American?

    Now there is nothing wrong with being gay but your repressed latent desires being projected violently on a large section, of the global population, well that is. Heading up to the mountain.
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    Will the Orange Retard Push the Russians on a Murdered American?

    Nope not secretly a rent boy hustler.
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    Will the Orange Retard Push the Russians on a Murdered American?

    It all makes sense now. The denim fetish. The wrestling. How do you say Brokeback Mountain in Russia?
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    Will the Orange Retard Push the Russians on a Murdered American?

    I meant the Russian Army and the captured gay soldiers after their supposed WW3 victory where Russia magically doesn't get vaporized scenario. That's what this is all about? Non stop gay orgy at the end of the world? Vostok has a chubby.
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    Will the Orange Retard Push the Russians on a Murdered American?

    Historically, I have a feeling their was a lot of "spooning for warmth" at Leningrad.
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    Will the Orange Retard Push the Russians on a Murdered American?

    Were the plans to have sex with them? Because that is the subtext I'm getting here.
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    You see this commercial?

    I'm saying its non news as well. They already have enough to destroy us who cares if we did sell them uranium openly and under full review of 8 government agencies
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    trump hires a pedophile (again)

    So you're in a state sponsored troll farm. Way to give up your location and lack of intelligence.
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    You see this commercial?

    So we openly and officially sold a country that has 10000 nukes more uranium.
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    Haven't been here in years...

    Do tell.
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    You see this commercial?

    Yes but you're moronic ass has already done the damage.
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    You see this commercial?

    You are asking literal white devils to show shame? The same people who condemn gays but cruise every bathroom east and west of the Mississippi? The same people who condemn abortion but ask their lovers to get one. The same people who push through opiods and refuse to regulate them but outlaw...
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    the hunt for carolin gallego

    I can only read it in Trumps voice. He's like George Costanza with money. Fucking Art Vandelay in the flesh.
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    Guys, the earth is actually flat.

    You must not have friends. And before you answer delivery people don't count.
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    former NPR CEO Ken stern.......

    Its like white people have been holding their breath since MLKs assassination (that went too far) and now they can exhale all the horrible shit they've had bottled up since then. I think two stroke is a little ashamed of what he's said and seeing how the Orange turd is in a precarious position...
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    former NPR CEO Ken stern.......

    Apartment life bruh. Why do white people like their homes at 65f? Because they have no choice they can't afford to heat it. I dont know if I'm just blessed or lucky but I've lived in apartments my whole life so the heat is usually included but paying for heat has never been a problem for me...
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    "Go home Nazis"

    Wow Schuylaar is a moron. She repeatedly says racist shit but gets offended when people say racism still exists and she is playing a part in its spread. I hope your her e brake pops and her station wagon rolls over her.
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    former NPR CEO Ken stern.......

    I guess he doesnt dispute that he just takes offense when you dispute WHERE his trailer is parked.
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    former NPR CEO Ken stern.......

    Why does that preclude him from being from the lesser of two evils (although SC seems to be farther along the mmj path so...)? Plenty of ignorance and trailers here.