Search results

  1. deno

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Russia bot - haha. That's what I'm talking about. You can tell these people what's going to happen - they just act like they know better. Then proceed to lose. I'm a free thinker. My comments on Sanders were in relation to his leadership presence. If you think he's a winner, you are just...
  2. deno

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Holy makeral guys, the election is over. HRC was a horrible choice, probably the only person who could have lost against Trump. You don't put someone up there who's negatives are so high. She also doesn't have charisma - completely a non-leader type. I know at least one life long liberal who...
  3. deno

    DIY Superthrive?

    Dog shit works pretty good. I've just got to train my dog to shit evenly around the yard. Dr. Who - most dry forms of weed-n-feed contain 2,4-D, which is a herbicide. They are horrible on the environment, and should be banned. If you want to use a herbicide, spray it on.
  4. deno

    The True Cycle of a Cannabis Plant and Yellowing Leaves

    Robustness, color, vigor, smell - all easy to identify. I want potency, and it seems the only way to find out is to flower them out. I wonder how many killer plants have been culled out because they didn't pass other standards.
  5. deno

    Question About Topping 6' Plants

    haha - you've got a jungle going on there, don't you. You could use a scrog net, but you could do the same with string and LST. Notice how dense the top is compared to the rest. That's due to light intensity. Start pulling the branches down with strings to get an even canopy. Sculpt it. It...
  6. deno

    Distance between canopy and light

    Get it as close as you can without burning the plants. I lower my light to what I think is right, then keep an eye on things for a few days. If the plants are doing fine, I'll lower it another inch. At some point, the upper most leaves will show stress, then I back it off a little. There are...
  7. deno

    Question About Topping 6' Plants

    Post some pictures. Seems kind of late to scrog. I think I'd supercrop, or just tie the tallest branches down (LST style) so they are lower than other branches. I'd start tying all the larger branches back, myself. The highest branches get the most hormones, so make sure there are many near...
  8. deno

    Game Wardens do not need warrants.

    Here's a tip. If your ever get bust for growing, whether it be indoors or out, in court ask them to see the THC test. You would not believe how often they forget.
  9. deno

    White pistils appearing harvest or not?

    Oh yay - she's ready. Get them in before a storm ruins your day.
  10. deno

    should i add perlite to fox farm soil??

    If you are new to growing, add a lot of perlite. It makes watering harder to screw up. You could mix that FF soil 50-50 with perlite, and be just fine. I just eyeball it, but end up with 30-35% perlite. Cannabis LOVES well drained soil.
  11. deno

    Looking advice

    Yes, 3 feet just to get them acclimated. Move the light down a few inches every day. HPS is fine if that's all you have. Lots of people grow 100% under HPS. Just use your hand to judge the heat. A little warm is okay. You want to keep the light as close as possible because the intensity of...
  12. deno

    Looking advice

    I run mine under a 1kw MH immediately. No issues whatsoever. That plant needs light. Also, the warmth helps them sprout. You do have to be careful, though. They only grow tall (called reaching) if they have insufficient light. Your plant might be suffering from that now. What light are they...
  13. deno

    How much water for a 5 gallon smart pot?

    Depends on a few things, plant size, and soil composition, in particular how much perlite is in the soil. Perlite does not absorb much water - its essentially expanded lava rock. Your water cycle should be consistent in that you water when the soil is a certain dryness. You don't want to...
  14. deno

    The Solution to ALL growing problems: Stop using the abominable synthetic method.

    I bet he couldn't tell the difference in a blind taste test.
  15. deno

    Looking advice

    Yes, get it under the light. The light should be about 3 feet above it on day one, then move it down 6" per day until it's about 18" above. Put your hand near the plant to test how much heat is coming off the lamp. Make sure it's getting a gentle breeze from a fan. Don't water it until the...
  16. deno

    24k gold scrog

    I need to correct my own post - they'll want both P and K. I use a bloom fert, like GH Maxibloom.
  17. deno

    The True Cycle of a Cannabis Plant and Yellowing Leaves

    Are you sure wild cannabis yellows at maturity? The wild stuff around here grows 15 feet, stays dark green well past the time the seeds are popping out, and browns during early October with the fall tree leaf color change. They are magnificent looking plants, with virtually no THC despite...
  18. deno

    Input needed for experiment comparing COB LED to HPS DE

    Good to hear your experience, but I think you're jumping to conclusions. I yield significantly higher with 1kw HID, closer to 32oz, somewhat strain dependent of course. Not sure how I'd do with a COB setup, but I'll find out soon enough. Technique is everything when it comes to yield.
  19. deno

    Input needed for experiment comparing COB LED to HPS DE

    And maybe rightfully so. How many people are out there that suffer from conformation bias, or treat assumptions as fact? The key is to design the experiment correctly to reduce doubt. If the goal is to compare yields of an HID grow to a COB grow, each grow should be done as an experienced...
  20. deno

    Input needed for experiment comparing COB LED to HPS DE

    Do you have experience growing with HID? How well you do each grow will impact the results. It's probably your biggest variable.