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  1. Rizzo00

    How long to get mature seeds?

    Im thinking and hoping they are on the inner part of the bud! The outer parts of the bud are the newer parts so im hoping the older inner parts are full of seeds.
  2. Rizzo00

    How long to get mature seeds?

    The plant is almost at peak but i cant see any seeds.
  3. Rizzo00

    How long to get mature seeds?

    For my best chance of getting good seeds i pollinated everyday for about a week when she first had some pistils start clustering. That was at least 6 weeks ago. She is an auto spyder from BCG. Company says 70 days but she is on 78 i think.
  4. Rizzo00

    How long to get mature seeds?

    A female can. Be pollinated at any time when flowering if it gets pollinated 2 weeks before ripeness will you get mature seeds??? So how long does it take seeds to fully mature?
  5. Rizzo00

    How long to get mature seeds?

    Im curios how long it takes a female plant after being polinated to produce mature seeds? My plant looks done but...i was going for seeds this run and not worried with bud ripeness. Got a few amber trichs now here and there. But like i said i want mature usable seeds.
  6. Rizzo00

    Spyder by B.C.G. (Rizzo's Winter Grow!)

    Day: 77 well i keep letting it ride. I will probably be taking her to 80+ days. It has great trich production, she swelled up awesome, solid purple buds bright orange hairs and smells absolutely amazing! I would have to say it smells like Fruit Loops, or Fruity Pebbles. So far i am very...
  7. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    That is pretty cool. And yes if you see hairs then its a girl! Are you doing this grow in the pc because it is supposed to be stealthy??? If possible i would make a slightly larger box for that hps with more airflow for lower temps. Its gotta be hot in could fit another plant that...
  8. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    Roughly a week after flipping to 12/12 you should see pistils forming. I kept tying my plant down so that it grew the way you want yours to. How much did your hps cost?
  9. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    What i mean is when you start flowering if it is female....your plant is going to explode with growth so you might have to tie it down and prune it if it gets too big for your pc box. A pc box is small even for one plant. I have done it definitely will learn diff techniques as you try...
  10. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    Yes go 12/12 now with that light and a PC box you will quickly outgrow it unless you manicure properly. Also you will know for sure of its sex.
  11. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    You might have a male there. Unless what im seeing is just new growth. Too hard to tell from pic. Another day or two and you should be able to tell.
  12. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    The direction of the cfl will no longer matter with that hps in there. Lol that alone should be sufficient. How is your hps hooked up??? Is there a ballast or
  13. Rizzo00

    Is this normal?

    I have noticed this with my sativa dom autos lately. They seem to straighten out and all is good for me. Good luck
  14. Rizzo00

    Outdoor grapefruit harvest

    I have one in veg right now. It is going to be a bush. Hardly any space between nodes. Is the smell really strong??
  15. Rizzo00

    Getawaymountain swamp growing methods

    What do you use for insect control? Catapilars, spider mites, etc?????
  16. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    We are not talking about flourescent tubes or the grow bulbs which are longer and thiner. Simply the spiral ones. Im 100% positive you will agree with me after you test it.
  17. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    Im sorry but I respectfully disagree. Im talking about the spiral bulbs. I suggest you test for yourself. If you still dont see it then disregard what i said.
  18. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    I have several different spiral cfls that i tested. 42w 2700, 26w 6500 and 23w 2700. My tests are nothing elaborate. Very simple actually. Your bulb must be without shield so that you can actually see light projected from side of bulb. In a dark room hold the bulb tip towards wall and turn on...
  19. Rizzo00

    Pc Grow 54w +2500 lumens

    If you can point the tip of the bulb towards the top of plant that would be best. More light is projected out of tip of the spiral cfls than the sides. I have done many experiments with cfls and that works best for me. But...if you dont have the dont have room. Good luck