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  1. M

    stretching issue

    Was away weekend and when I returned one of my plants had grown into lights, cannot move lights any higher. Yes I know mistakes ive made,(grow room got too hot) but want to know if there is anything I can do, shes 3weeks into flower,indoor grow. Not sure about LST at this stage plus ive never...
  2. M

    Northern lights auto

    No more amputation lol I seem to have caught it early and she stays inside now with this high humidity thanks for the concern man.
  3. M

    Northern lights auto

    I've been growing indoors unless it's a good day then I put her out but made a huge mistake one day and it poured down and I wasn't home till late think that's what did it really. Have done exactly what you suggested fingers crossed.
  4. M

    Is this normal? Around the bud sights of half of my northern lights outdoor grow.

    Yes mine did that and they turned out fine in the end
  5. M

    Emergency advice

    I understand pics are more helpful but no pics to take as I said have cut out the damage and treated plant for powdery mildew all I wanted was advice from anyone who may have had this problem but thanks anyway.
  6. M

    Emergency advice

    Noticed this morning that my outdoor plant has powdery mildew on part of top cola,she's 11 wks in flower. Have cut out the damage and treated with baking soda and water as all I have to hand,any advice appreciated don't want to lise entire plant,Tia.
  7. M

    Northern lights auto

    Sorry to bother you again but I noticed this morning that top cola has powdery mildew on some of it, cut it out and did some research and treated rest of plant any advice don't want to lose rest of the plant.
  8. M

    Northern lights auto

    Yes all pics are the same plant,my friend told me to chop off top cola soon but I don't want to hurt plant,and also told me not to bother to flush as it's in coir.
  9. M

    Northern lights auto

    Thanks for reply my friend just took a look with his microscope said a lot of Amber trichs on sugar leaves but trichs on buds still milky,gonn g leave her for another week or so.
  10. M

    Northern lights auto

    Thanks guys just had friend around with his microscope he says he can see quite a few Amber trichs on sugar leaves but trichs on buds are still milky.
  11. M

    Northern lights auto

    Can anyone tell me if my northern lights is ready please,she's in wk 11 of flower, growing in coir,and using biobizz bloom,flower and top Max. The top cola looks near but your input would be appreciated,have tried lioking at trichs but have bad eyesight and can't see that well, Tia.
  12. M

    Question about big bud nute

    Hi all, Am using biobizz grow/bloom and top Max nutes on my ladies and have been given container of big bud by friend. My question is should I use big bud with the biobizz nutes or not,if yes how do I use in conjunction? Mate said use a capful with every biobizz feed,my ladies are in 2nd week of...
  13. M

    Who can answer this question

    Ok why not I've tried everything else thanks
  14. M

    Who can answer this question

    Can someone tell me why my plant is bending away from the light,she's five weeks old and under a cfl which is two or three inches away from plant and after a few hours she bends away from light. If I turn light off she straightens up again it's not close and not hot bulb but by end of day the...
  15. M

    Advice needed

    Ok thanks for advice
  16. M

    Advice needed

    It's under a cfl
  17. M

    Advice needed

    Hi all have a problem with my northern auto she keeps bending away from the light,she is 5wks old, growing in coir and fed on biobizz. No matter where I put the light she bends away from it only slightly tho,if I put it close she bends and if I move it away she bends it's only wen I turn if off...
  18. M

    Northern lights auto

    Been growing her indoors in coir under cfl using bio bizz (grow,bloom,top Max). My cat got to her twice during early flowering and damaged her quite a bit but have persevered,my question is she is at 12 wks of flowering how much longer shall I give her before I harvest,one or two white pistils...
  19. M

    Emergency advice

    Thanks for comment am relieved to here your advice
  20. M

    Emergency advice

    Thanks for your input will keep her going