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  1. Huckster79

    Will Mueller be fired?

    I hope if it happens we will see the masses move in protest. But i fear it wont be enough... no matter how large. i hope it would be, but im not fearless that it will be enough. Im scared shitless for our country.... republicans have shown themselves even worse characters than i beleived...
  2. Huckster79

    The resiliency of plants

    Yea i bend shit otta mine too! My goal is a squarish plant from above to fill my small area most efficiently, my thinking is any light on the floor is wasted money!
  3. Huckster79

    The resiliency of plants

    Man thats the truth... way some folks talk about these girls, if it was as fragile as tney say no way would it have survived eons before the modern indoor, perfect rh and temp and ph down to the 100th of a point, and leds and de hps grow with supplimental co2 and and and... oh dont forget base...
  4. Huckster79

    Waiting game

    Oh and don’t trust seed companies schedule- usually aggressive- same as nutes....
  5. Huckster79

    Waiting game

    No prob. Yea it’s tough at first at the end but I read a quote when I was new that said for every plant taken late 10000 have been taken early. I like taking a couple hours trim at a time that helps those lower bud get some light... I tried a true second harvest once- took tops off and...
  6. Huckster79

    Sex during that time of the month..

    Above is what happens when u don’t read the thread before posting but in my defense I just didn’t want to loose the thought it is Saturday night after all! Lol. Kiddos to the original poster of this saying earlier in thread...I know I shud look ur name up but I gotta crash this new variety...
  7. Huckster79

    Sex during that time of the month..

    When the river flows red take the dirt road
  8. Huckster79

    Waiting game

    Pics, but certainly most likely not yet unless maybe if it’s a super heavy indica cud b getting close-but not yet specially if u like the heavy feel. I run routinely till day 70 w gg4... and chop over a week or two.... but it’s all in the thrichs- but I’d say a week with zero hesitation and...
  9. Huckster79

    Need help with alternatives

    I’m just getting into jacks. Another long thread on different forum I read ppl who used lots of supplements seemed to have more problems w jacks than just running the 321 or many just 32
  10. Huckster79

    the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

    Gillespie, Strange, Moore...... Lmfao I loved what one lawmaker said, "steve bannon looked like a disheveled drunk who wandered in off the street! "
  11. Huckster79

    the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

    Well ill be damned! Id give a nut to be a fly on the wall by uncle trump right now... If your a gop office holder you gotta be shitting bricks right now Can we defeat trumpism: YES WE CAN!
  12. Huckster79

    the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

    Im convinced if roy gets to DC him n uncle don cud have an orgy on whitehouse lawn with pissing Russian whores and teenage minors galore on top of stacks of king james bibles and copies of the constitution and gop would say, "yea thats wrong but we need em to help dismantle social security and...
  13. Huckster79

    He's Going To Stroke Out..

    You couldnt make this shit up if you tried!
  14. Huckster79

    He's Going To Stroke Out..

    Exactly even if ma says "fine, shes of age give her a good fuckin but leave her bum for pa"" doesnt change the fact its wrong! Asking mas permission changes nothing
  15. Huckster79

    He's Going To Stroke Out..

    I agree his policy would be insane, but i think maybe hes not quite as unstable mentally and w the nuke football following the prez around id take pence over trump... we have a shot at stopping or undoing bad policy if we are alive... but i beyond get your point as well, what a shitty spot we are in
  16. Huckster79

    republicans: the party of family values and personal responsibility

    You dont think moore getting elected will motivate many women to get more involved than they have become do you? Still wud be a damned shame but wow what an anchor around the gop neck to attract anyone but old white perverts to the voting booth for em. Id rather not have help in this form but...
  17. Huckster79

    Flynn guilty of lying about quid pro quo with russia

    Only the good die young :(
  18. Huckster79

    Flynn guilty of lying about quid pro quo with russia

    Sad thing is buck, they dont even see why we see anything at all about them doing that... let alone finding humor in thier actions. All good trump loyalists know your value is zero to negative the second you no longer are loyal to the they see no issue at all bashing a man one time...
  19. Huckster79

    A Joint For Santa Claus (a poem)

    Roses are red violets are blue santa aint leaving toys for you privledged lil fucks for milk no cookis anymore You better leave me a joint this time Amen.