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  1. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    Of course I searched, extensively actually. Asking dickless fuckheads like you is obviously a last resort. Go fuck with someone else. All this over paragraphs. And you weren’t even the person who bitched. You just jumped on the insult bandwagon like some mindless fuck on your anonymous internet...
  2. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    Go fuck yourself pathetic piece of garbage
  3. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    Fuck you dude. What a fucking joke. Such a let down cuz I got great help from ppl that aren’t stupid pieces of shit.
  4. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    Why are you guys being assholes? Instead of reading what I wrote, you bitch me out and call me a know it all noob cuz I didn’t make enough paragraphs? Who’s on the fucking high horse? What arrogance.
  5. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    Get a life dude. Seriously. Go critique someone else’s post for grammar. That’s what this forum is for right, English lessons.
  6. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    Get a brain, stop being a whiny bitch and wasting everyone’s time. Please only respond if your IQ is more that 1 digit. In other words, fuck you prick. How are you “well known”? Must be for being an arrogant shit. I come on here for some help and compassion, and I get this immature bullshit...
  7. R

    Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew

    This is kind of a continuation of my previous post about treating PM. (I can’t post links yet ). But after reading more about UVC light treatments for PM, etc I thought I’d make a post more focused on that. A lot of what I’ve read about talks about how effective UVC light exposure is at killing...
  8. R

    Powdery mildew on leaves of flowering plants

    Groovy. Thanks a lot guys! I picked up some GH Armor Si. Gonna douse them all well with it and then spot treat as necessary. Hopefully this will clear up this PM better and it won’t damage the flowers that are growing. Also gonna add to the res’s @ 1/2tsp/gal.
  9. R

    Powdery mildew on leaves of flowering plants

    No degredation in quality from wash? I have read about this.
  10. R

    Powdery mildew on leaves of flowering plants

    Yes, overall they are very healthy plants in an environment that’s been grown in before without one spore of PM. I will get some silica spray to keep it at bay. Hopefully that won’t oxidize my buds like the h2o2.
  11. R

    Powdery mildew on leaves of flowering plants

    Cool thanks. Regalia looks pretty neat. Kinda pricy, but it’s worth it if it keeps this PM away.
  12. R

    Powdery mildew on leaves of flowering plants

    Lol yes it was Harley smith! I have read about using silica as well. I will look into this more. What silica product should I spray them with? Thanks for the reply!
  13. R

    Powdery mildew on leaves of flowering plants

    I have been dealing with this PM on my leaves for about a week. Plants are about 3 weeks into flower and producing very well. I doused them pretty well with straight 3% hydrogen peroxide about 5 days ago and have been spot treating them every couple days with the same 3% h2o2. Plants are in dwc...
  14. R

    White mold on roots - dwc - please help!

    Thank you so much for the reply! I will change out the res very often and keep retreating with h2o2. How much 3% h2o2 should I be adding to the bucket? Should I add in any nutrients since I’m constantly changing the water, but I would assume they still need nutrients. They just get half strength...
  15. R

    White mold on roots - dwc - please help!

    Yesterday I noticed some fuzzy white mold on my roots in one of my dwc buckets. I immediately sprayed the effected roots directly with straight 3% h2o2. I also poured (maybe 1/2 cup) into the water in the bucket. I also added another air line with bubbler to the water because the original air...