the cut cocaine with special k now as well to get more out of it. special k is horrible i have done both. you go numb to borderline paralyzed on special k
Ty tami. I agree with you 100%. Heres another question. If pot was legalized. Wwould thy buttcher it with nasty filters and chemicals like they did to tobaccoo?
I hear ya man. I have been there and its very expensive as well. I have seen entire pay checks go to booze, and jack i used to drink bicardi gold. And puerto rican. Excuse my spellin
Yay your back jon :D... almost thought we lost ya hahaha. I also get twisted every now and then. But those nights are very faded for me. Went thriugh a fence last time hahah
And my speelin may be off due to thee touch screen tABLet i am using. Lets tone it dowwn beefore this becomees an argument. My ddrink of choice was absinthe. Any1 else?
Im protraying the easy addiction alcohol may haave over some. I enjoy a beer or glass of wine with dinner. But before smoking one was never enooug, its helpd many gain control and relax. Where id the deomonizing there?
Props jack. I am glad to hear tht your life had bbetter. I could nnot compare to your experiance except for the fact of the aa meetingss. For some reason tthey weren alwaysbgiving out alot of hugs. Weed needs to be legalized asap