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  1. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    i was tryin to strike conversation not convince any1 thats all
  2. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    the cut cocaine with special k now as well to get more out of it. special k is horrible i have done both. you go numb to borderline paralyzed on special k
  3. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Ty tami. I agree with you 100%. Heres another question. If pot was legalized. Wwould thy buttcher it with nasty filters and chemicals like they did to tobaccoo?
  4. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    I hear ya man. I have been there and its very expensive as well. I have seen entire pay checks go to booze, and jack i used to drink bicardi gold. And puerto rican. Excuse my spellin
  5. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Yay your back jon :D... almost thought we lost ya hahaha. I also get twisted every now and then. But those nights are very faded for me. Went thriugh a fence last time hahah
  6. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Hahha the only drinking i do now is beer pong with my c,lassmates on days we have off. Otherwise i am humbled with ny nicro grow and nice kush
  7. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Yeah .. busch beer and pizza then roll a joint and a night. I also love jagermieester
  8. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    And my speelin may be off due to thee touch screen tABLet i am using. Lets tone it dowwn beefore this becomees an argument. My ddrink of choice was absinthe. Any1 else?
  9. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    People are opening up i dnt think they need to be put down. Think before you speak and be open minded and observe
  10. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    You wouldnt kknow though. You are ignorant and niave to the affects of alcoholism
  11. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Is not a hostile... mu bad on a nook colo
  12. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    This a hostile thread buddy. Of course i eat meat. I quit smooking after watchiingnmy grandfather die off them. No need to be mr E-tough guy
  13. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Im protraying the easy addiction alcohol may haave over some. I enjoy a beer or glass of wine with dinner. But before smoking one was never enooug, its helpd many gain control and relax. Where id the deomonizing there?
  14. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    I feel like when your high you relax. But when drunk u become another person
  15. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Alchol tears ppl apart. I dnt see weed doing tht.
  16. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    Props jack. I am glad to hear tht your life had bbetter. I could nnot compare to your experiance except for the fact of the aa meetingss. For some reason tthey weren alwaysbgiving out alot of hugs. Weed needs to be legalized asap
  17. waffles696

    would you kill a poisonious spider?

    Yay. Bob was a good name. I wouldnt rdeally worry to much yet
  18. waffles696

    food for thought...alcohol vs. weed

    I hate hang overs. Idd rather munchies over a hang over any day. And you sleep amazingly when high
  19. waffles696

    Boredom Game

    My bad on the delay. Took a joint cruise and got mw3
  20. waffles696

    Boredom Game

    Well it juustt made time disappear. Rolled a nice j using hemp paperrs. Calc engineering time. Boredo. X2