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  1. BCBuddy420

    Help with CO2 tabs...

    I checked out several reports of usage on this product. They don't work, they can't work. Co2 is takin in throught the stomata not the roots. Your overall growth is not going to be much different. Forget that product or just do a test on one plant...
  2. BCBuddy420

    Help with CO2 tabs...

    what co2 tabs? Ive heard of excellofizz
  3. BCBuddy420

    Plant drooping, Entering veg state, 3 gallon pot.

    I dunno about 20-20-20 for veg... you want something lower in P k and higher in N.
  4. BCBuddy420

    if you had to decide????

    skunk #1 and burmese
  5. BCBuddy420

    My gf is beside me and she's informing me we DO NOT have here what you got fer a kebob there...

    My gf is beside me and she's informing me we DO NOT have here what you got fer a kebob there LMAO ! She says I would love the hell outta them though, she sounds serious about them being chronic good :) Im gonna eat some someday
  6. BCBuddy420

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    don't worry about the hijack thing. anyways yeah I had some big issues with powdery mildew in the middle stages of vegging, it was getting bad, starting on my lower fans and thickening up with this white moldy looking stuff. It was an easy fix for me, got lucky. I first tried spraying with skim...
  7. BCBuddy420


    cool I didnt think id see ya back on man lol good shit. You got a journal started yet with those, most envied touchet-raised plants ? Lucky guy. What other stuff did you get?
  8. BCBuddy420


    been good. Grow is goin nicely. Hows he doin, tell him to come on back, BCbuddys missin him on his flowering thread. He was my first member lol. Howd you get back on? lol ( as in is it just a matter of time? ) right on man
  9. BCBuddy420

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    Hey Gazza. I dont agree with your fan leaf removal... you know this. It's your own business man and at least I and the rest of us get the privaledge of seeing the final result of this techinique, so to speak. I actually take my hat off and bow gracefully to you for fronting this crucial piece of...
  10. BCBuddy420

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    Welcome Sensi-Stan :) Glad to have ya aboard! As you are just beginning the phase I'm sure much information will be available as there are a few guys growing different strains/ styles of cultivation/ products/ lighting etc. I personally do alot of research on a constant daily basis so anything...
  11. BCBuddy420

    Bolting/Shooting? How to stop this?

    She's facing away and most babies look the same...doesnt matter I would say, what evidence is there really
  12. BCBuddy420


    hey merkgrows, good to seeya back man :) hows it, still talk to Tooshay?
  13. BCBuddy420


    google " pure indica strains " you will get a list of characteristics :)
  14. BCBuddy420

    long flower, like 12 weeks, and new growth??? what yall think?

    to be perfectly honest your plants have seemed to regain vegetative growth. You can see the veg growth above the colas, not good. Howd that happen? You got light leaks I would say. I cant see any other reason to revert like that. I would just chop them now. The time those new shoots got ripe the...
  15. BCBuddy420

    Cloning a Leaf..........

    that sounds like some wierd growth. I want to see what your talking about :fire: What if was a triploid and did this thing you have?? Thatd be crazy
  16. BCBuddy420

    Plant drooping, Entering veg state, 3 gallon pot.

    do you use a ph test on your tap water... the MH is gonna make that thing grow like crazy. Prepare to feed it because that soil is going to run low of nutrients after 3-4 weeks. That 400 is perfect for vegging that many plants. What are you using for flowering?
  17. BCBuddy420

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    I feed using a GH 3 part. I have kool bloom for intense flower production. I will be using this for three weeks before final flush week. Two weeks in, cool, alot of help is available here for you to maximize your yield, although, what is done in veg can really depict your overall outcome with...
  18. BCBuddy420

    first grow soiless mix with OG Kush

    I've already mastered cloning :D I have had 100 % rooting with all 90 I've took sofar. I have a very meticulous method of cloning, apparently it works! haha not one single one has not rooted. I'm giving away the clones and planting them outdoors for some halloween harvest :) Plus this way I...
  19. BCBuddy420

    first grow soiless mix with OG Kush

    I will definitely do quick growing sog's with my new setup. I wanna do a NL # 5 , purple kush, blueberry, with my Og kush. Just a small space for cloning and a quick veg to ensure root structure than off to the flower chamber for a 9 week flower. I must admit I bet i will yield alot more this...
  20. BCBuddy420

    400 watt MH Purple Kush SOG JOURNAL

    cant wait for the update, I was doing some reading and it seems that OG does ALOT of it's fattening up during the last 2-3 weeks. You should use some co2 pucks ( excellofizz ) starting at week 5 going 30 days ( 30 pucks are around 120 dollars approx. ) until the end of week 8, then flush. The...